Day Out pt1

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POV Marinette:

It has been a whole week since I had known that I'm not pregnant and that the second IVF isn't working. That day when I went back home, to cook dinner for him, I didn't find Luka at home, but he was out of Paris for a business trip for two weeks

I changed my clothes from my hospital outfit and waited for Adrien to go home as always together in the entrance of the hospital. I was thinking about the third IVF that we will do. I talked with Luka through a call and he said that we will do that once we are home

I'm so happy that my husband is understanding my situation and he is really supportive for that

I was lost in my thoughts till I felt two hands covering my eyes. I had known it's Adrien, I can't miss his cologne at all

Marinette: Adrien fucking Agreste

He takes off his hands and chuckled as he faced me with crossed arms

He takes off his hands and chuckled as he faced me with crossed arms

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#Their Outfits

Adrien: how you know it was me? you always guess it right

Marinette: your scent is betraying you kitty

Adrien: mhmmm so I have to change my cologne?

Marinette: nop, you have a special fresh scent. Let's go home, I just want to lay on bed and sleep for years

Adrien: as we finished early and it's only 4pm, I'm going to use this time and go shopping for new clothes

Marinette: want me to come with you? I have a good taste for clothes

Adrien: why not, let's go. I'll use my car.

I nodded and we both walked to his house and he helped me to get into his car

I nodded and we both walked to his house and he helped me to get into his car

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#Adrien's Car

He drives us to the mall and we chose a good store to buy him clothes.

Marinette: what you want to buy?

Adrien: at least ten suits, three blazers, five shirts, six belts, eight pants, ten pair of socks, seven shoes, seven neckties, four sport suits and five boxers

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