Pepperoni Pizza

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POV Marinette:

I wake up when I heard the alarm that I set. We should go to work and it's already 6:30am now

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find myself sleeping on Adrien's chest

Marinette: damn

I went to my side of the bed and laid on my side, waiting Adrien to wake up but he doesn't, he just keeps sleeping.... He didn't even wake up

Marinette: now I understand why he is late always

I chuckled and run my fingers through his bed hair, and down to his chest. He looks so peaceful, and he is really cute

I didn't want to wake him up now, so I just went to the bathroom for a shower then I got myself ready and I went downstairs

I didn't want to wake him up now, so I just went to the bathroom for a shower then I got myself ready and I went downstairs

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#Her Outfit

I went to the kitchen to make something for me and for Adrien. I'm so hungry and I'm sure that blondie will be hungry too

When I got the breakfast ready, I ate my part then I made a tray for Adrien and I went upstairs then I set it on the nightstand

When I got the breakfast ready, I ate my part then I made a tray for Adrien and I went upstairs then I set it on the nightstand

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#The tray of food

Marinette: Adrien, wake up.

He didn't even wake up, he just turned to his other side so I shook him, but he just groan

Adrien: mhmmm, let me sleep

Marinette: wake up, you are really like a child. Don't forget you have work

He finally sits up and yawned then he rubbed his eyes. he finally wakes up

Marinette: finally

Adrien: you are ready, wow

Marinette: I wake up early and I made you this

I got the tray and I placed it on his lap, then I had a seat on the edge of the bed, just beside him

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