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POV Marinette:

I was alone in my office after Alya and Kagami left. I had a pregnancy test to check myself, this is the third time so I'm sure it's the good one

I went to my bathroom to try the test leaving Lila in my office then I went back to her and had a seat, waiting for the test

Lila: it will be the good one

Marinette: I'm sure of that

I said as I rubbed my belly. I can't wait to have my little girl, I was so exited

Marinette: hey Emma, mama and papa are waiting for you, my baby. Show up for us, we can't wait to meet you

Lila: check the test, I think 10 minutes are over, you had waited 5 minutes longer

I nodded and turned the test, but the second line didn't appear, only one line

Marinette: t-there is a mistake, yes, there is a mistake

I left Lila again and I tried three more tests, but all of them are negative. My womb is just empty without any little baby

Lila: I'm sorry

Marinette: l-leave please Lila

Lila: but ...

Marinette: I said please

When Lila left and closed the door, I folded my arms on my desk and cried my tears out. Luka was waiting for our little baby and what I have to give him? nothing

I don't know why this is happening, I'm dying to know what's happening so I just went to Sabrina

I'm glad I found her in her office, she welcomed me and we sat on the couch and served me a hot chocolate

Sabrina: this will make you feel better

Marinette: n-nothing can make me feel better

Sabrina: no baby,

Marinette: yes

Sabrina: look, Marinette you are a colleague and you will understand what I will say but ...

Marinette: but?

Sabrina: we better do more analyses to check what's wrong. Do you?

Marinette: y-you have doubts I'm infertile?

Sabrina: sadly yes

I swallowed my saliva and nodded. Sabrina spent an hour for analyzes then two more hours for results. During all this time, I didn't even leave her office, I was despaired to know

Sabrina: I got all the results

Marinette: and?

Sabrina: and I was right. You are infertile Marinette, I'm really sorry. you have a poor egg quality causing an ovulation disorder and a hormone imbalance but they can be cured, you just need a special and long treatment

Marinette: thanks Sabrina

I gave her a weak smile and left her office all broken. I'm not shocked anymore, but I never thought that this could happen to me

My legs are so weak, I was walking in the hallway hardly, my eyes are blurry I can't see anything because I cried a lot, and even now, I can't stop myself from crying

What will I do to Luka and his family and what will happen if they know I'm infertile?

Adrien: Marinette?

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