What have you done

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New Yorke

Rain crashed and clawed at your window, it shook your entire apartment to it's core.... It's cold outside.

You were wrapped in a thick blanket on your bed.

It's only been a few hours since you left. You've been huddled up in your room from the moment you got home. You hold your legs close to your chest and dip your head into your knees.

You don't know what to do. It was your responsibility to keep your world safe. Or was it? You didn't have to... you only chose to. If you stopped being Spider-woman would it be your fault? You've been exposed to the possibility before... a Doc Ock had offered you a serum that would get rid of your spider powers.. it was at your disposal....

How could he still choose to look after Gabby even after you specifically told it it was a bad idea...? What if your universe collapses? What if Miguel dies anyways because that's the way it's meant to be- what if Gabby finds out that Miguel isn't her real dad?

Everything was just messy in your head... he didn't even try coming after you... your eyes were all red and puffy due to the crying. Your eyes were all dried up because you've only been crying for the past couple hours. You still love Miguel, obviously, but you just couldn't do this with him... it is wrong.

Even though you hated the thought, you were going to have to find a way to get rid of Miguel because his presence could do irreversible damage to your universe... after all he was meant to be dead.

Gabby... oh the poor girl, having her dad die twice would be a dumpster fire.. knowing you could stop it is killing you.

All sorts of fucked up scenarios fill your head... even the most outlandish things were now seeming to become more and more less outlandish as you weigh up your options...

A small zapping sound comes from your living room, you lift your head up to see... was it Miguel? Did he finally come find you? Was he here to apologise? Or perhaps it was Jess..? She definitely would've found out right about now.... You lock your eyes on your door... footsteps near you.. you see and hear the door knob click open... you stop breathing for a second...

"Hey love..." It was... Hobie.

He surprisingly wasn't in his spider suit, he was wearing a grey wife beater and ripped jeans... a simple outfit. He had accessorized it with silver jewelry and earrings... most of his piercings had studs instead of his usual hoops.

You tuck your head back into your blanket and begin sobbing again.

"Oh c'mere Y/n.." He walks towards you and pulls you into a hug... you lift your arms out of the blanket and hug him back. It was different from hugging Miguel, very different. Hobie's thinner and his hug is surprisingly comforting.
"What's wrong? I heard from Jess that you quit... again.." He uses his thumb to wipe your tears away.

"I- sniff I.. Miguel- he-"

"Of course it's that twat..."

"He- fucking..." You cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay... you can tell me later. And I'll go beat him up.." He tucks your hair behind your ear. You shoot him a measly smile.

"I don't think you could beat him up but thanks..." You mumble.... He pulls away for a minute.

"Hey don't underestimate these guns." Hobie flexes his muscles... and you have to admit it's impressive. He's not incredibly big or lean but it's a nice balance... he's also very, very tall... still not as tall as Miguel but- anyways...

"I..." You pull the blanket off your shoulders. "Miguel.. he uhm.. he did something I told him specifically not to do... behind my back... and he tried getting rid of all the evidence." The words spill out of you. "He- he wanted to replace the already dead Miguel in my universe in order to take care of 'his daughter'... i said I was against it but he still went with it... he hid it behind my back... he doesn't know what could happen to my universe, everyone and everything I've ever loved- aside from him- is on his earth... if this dimension crumbled and it's because of him... I don't know if I could forgive him..."

"Through with you." Miguel Ohara x FEM y/n || ANGST, FLUFF, COLD HARD SMUT ||Where stories live. Discover now