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Kim Taehyung: Where are you, Park Jiminnie?

Park Jimin: Why does you sound smug to me when this is all your fault, Taetae?

Kim Taehyung: I am not. But you're 2 minutes late and I'm waiting for my two boxes of pizza.

Park Jimin: You're such a good friend. Oh please shut up. I'm on my way.

Kim Taehyung: Okay, I know. I'm hungry, Jiminnie ~

Park Jimin: Don't lie. I know Jin hyung prepared you delicious breakfast before you leave.

Kim Taehyung: ㅋㅋㅋ you caught me.

Park Jimin: Because that's too obvious! And it's me that didn't get to eat here! I hate you.

Kim Taehyung: ㅋㅋㅋ I'm waiting in the Literature room. Take care and I love you too. Mwah!

Jimin sighs as he fumbled his phone in his blazer's pocket, completely flying out of their apartment complex to head to the bus stop—silently praying to catch his bus before further damage to his class attendance for the day (it's not like he's not one to skip class once or twice before but still) And good thing, his luck hadn't still run out.

This all Taehyung's fault, he thought as he breathes a sigh of relief the moment he finally get to sit down near the window of the bus.

Frowning when he remembered the last night conversation with his best friend who happened to need to sleep over Jin hyung's to ask for help for a project and basically leave him alone in their shared dorm. He forgot to set the alarm the night before because he's too focused on finishing all the torturous five pages of Calculus that's due later this afternoon. And that resulted of him getting up late, giving himself roughly 30 minutes to finish dressing completely.

And now, he feels too exhausted with all the hustle he did for school.

The drive didn't last long, taking him only 15 minutes 'til he found himself walking towards the campus but still late for his first subject. Contemplating of attending the late class and received scolding and punishment from the instructor or skip the said class and wait for his best friend to strangle him to death, he happily chose the latter.

Fishing his earphones from his backpack and attaching it to his phone as he played his daily music playlist, he turned on his heels towards the field where there are only a few students practice playing baseball. Jimin settled himself on one of the benches under the shade of a tree, watching the game fondly. He has a thing for baseball and actually—he's one of BigHit High School's baseball player.

"They should've gone for a homerun," he quietly says to himself, chuckling as he eyed the enthusiastic players.

After a few minutes of watching the game, Jimin felt his eyelids started to get heavy. And a few seconds after, he's yawning nonstop, causing his eyes to water with the sleep slowly creeping over his system. He actually expected this. He slept late last night with scattered brain because of his painful math assignments and has to face Taehyung's deal about the two boxes of pizza if he arrived late in school (which miserably happened) when he himself didn't even get to stuff even a single toast to his mouth before leaving, plus the humid that's softly caressing his expose fluffy cheeks and neck.

Jimin lolls his head to the side with his eyes closed, finding comfortable position for taking a nap. He still has at least an hour before his Literature subject to finally be over and met with his best friend. And just when he's about to completely drift off to his dream land, a faint, "Watch out!" was heard somewhere in the background; and before he could get a grasp of the situation, a sting of sharp pain hits his face as black spots quickly invaded his vision taking his consciousness with oozing blood from his abused nose.

Min Yoongi is not a morning person and being a half-vampire is not less of a help. He has classes that will soon start at seven but his grumpy system doesn't have a will and power to budge from his comfortable nap on one of the BHHS' rooftop. Humidity's making it even harder for the senior to even crack an eye open.

He shifted on his current position, throwing an arm to cover his eyes from the rude rays of rising sun. Just when he's about to go back to his deep slumber, a fast swish of wind filled the rooftop before a loud bang of the door was heard and he almost – almost – jumps from his spot but luckily for Min Yoongi that he is not the type to even flinch an inch.

Groaning, he peeks behind his arm after hearing footsteps coming to him. And there he saw an expected and super familiar pure blood wolf standing next to him, flashing Yoongi a too blindingly 800 watts of his heart shaped grin. The senior can't help but scrunched his nose, asking himself mentally to what's brighter; the sunshine or the pure blood's grin. Either of the two, it's still annoying for him.

"What are you doing here, Hoseok?" Yoongi asks, throwing his arm back on his eyes. Having two sun shines around him is just too much to deal with.

There's a shuffle on his side before coming with, "I'm looking for you. Why did you skip class again, hyung?"

He scoffs at the question, answering irritatedly with, "I'm too sleepy so better leave now." To tell the other that he's not in the mood (as always) to talk 'cause all he need is a deep sleep and it's really a smart decision for Hoseok to leave him alone now.

He heard the younger's faint chuckle, lightly patting his left shoulder. "Hyung, that's not of news to me. But okay, I'll leave now. And please, don't be a bad transferee student! Come to your class at least once. You may start this afternoon—"

"Shh!" Hoseok didn't get to finish his sentiments when the elder suddenly sat up, startling the younger in the process.

"What is it, hyung?" Asking Yoongi that's walking towards the railings with hands firmly tucked in his pants pockets.

Yoongi scrunches his nose, sniffing the delicious foreign scent lingering his system that was carried by the wind making his stomach to grumble. He felt his heart beats a tad bit faster until falling to a pace of a mile a minute, goosebumps running on his nape. The long-time lust for human's fresh blood he'd buried deeply in his core is slowly awakening in just a snap.

Is this the scent I needed? His brain edges out, looking insanely at the surrounding. He knows that the human is not far from his proximity as the blood's pleasing smell continuously intrudes his nose.

"Hyung?" The younger softly calls, trying to get the other's attention. Carefully walking behind Yoongi and slowly reaching for the elder's arm. "What's wrong?" he quietly added.

Yoongi's concentration was firm and unyielding though, and Hoseok thought if the other has maybe gone deaf from the utmost focus he's giving for that thing. Honestly, Hoseok already knows why the elder's acting like this. He smelled it, too; the delicious scent of human's fresh blood just few meters from their spot that also triggers his thirst. He knows but he won't talk about it, much not now that Yoongi has his glowing deep bloodshot eyes and sharp fangs peeking in between his thin pink lips.

Swallowing hard, he gathered all his scattered courage and firmly wrapped his fingers around Yoongi's left wrist, earning a growl from the elder from the sudden disturbance and almost backing away with his heart dropped on his toes. Damn it.

Hyung, please control that thirst, was what he wanted to say but he found those words caught in his dry throat.

Yoongi finally turns to face Hoseok, greeting the pale nervous younger with, "Whose smell was that?"

__________ ___ __ _

Edited a little. If you have already seen this story in ao3 @/caramelmacchiato95 and aff @/BwiKim, those accounts are also mine. I didn't plagiarize my own work, sunshines :'>

Bless the fucking gif.

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now