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This chapter is plain vmin and them being the best biffles for infinity and beyond <3

Taehyung squint his eyes suspiciously at the television, seeing the start of an apocalypse movie playing in front of him. It's not that he doesn't like the movie, he wants it, of course, that's much is obvious. In fact, he's kind of giddy inside, happiness slowly radiating off of him in colorful waves. He has always been a fan of action and thriller.

It had been a little while since the last time he had watched something that isn't anime or cool pets' movies. He's heard this certain apocalypse movie from their classmates since last week, also reading countless of positive reviews on the internet; talking about how cool it is and just as touching. He was curious and had wanted to watch the movie in cinema, too, but found no time to do since the exams week is fast approaching, looming just somewhere behind him (honestly scarier to think than the gore zombies of the said movie). So the idea was quickly abandoned than he'd imagined.

And now the movie is here, playing in front of him—the father and daughter talking about going to Busan for the kid's birthday. Taehyung suddenly wanted to get his phone and dial his parents' number, missing them. But remembering the suspicious thing tonight, the fact that Jimin—of all people—was the one who chose and put the film for their Friday Movie Nights, is just a little too suspicious to ignore.

So his attention was back to the real business as quick as it had wandered another path, looking over his shoulder as soon as light footsteps were in earshot. The suspicious boy was walking out of their kitchenette with a large bowl of cheese popcorn and two cans of soda cradle in his arms, completely oblivious of Taehyung's inner judgment, and beaming like the fucking sun he is. (Taehyung refrains himself from covering his eyes because it was too bright, and that the sun should've set four hours ago).

He didn't even bother to be subtle of his actions as he follows the boy with his eyes, still narrowed with his initial suspicion. Jimin put down the bowl and cans on the coffee table in front of the couch Taehyung is currently sitting on before walking back to switch off the living room lights. He came back after a few seconds with blanket in hand, plopping himself carelessly beside his best friend. The dim light from their television serves as the only light in the room, illuminating their faces.

"What is it, Tae-ah?" Jimin asks without even looking at him, probably already felt Taehyung's incessant stares at him. He unfolds the thick blanket before carefully slinging it over his and Taehyung's shoulders as his short arms could reach. Taehyung doesn't say anything; it's amusing to watch Jimin what he can. It's cute.

Though, he still stealthily adjusts the blanket on his side—his best friend's kind of blanket-hogger even when not asleep. He reaches for the popcorn bowl as Jimin reaches for their soda, opening both before handing him one. He took a small sip, eyes still on his friend who mimics his position by folding his legs underneath him, shifting himself over Taehyung's side until they're practically glued to each other. Jimin is warm but Taehyung doesn't mind. He has learned a long time ago that his little best friend is an actual human heater (It has always been handy every winter and he's not about to complain).

He heard some shouting from the television and he's never whipped his head that fast just to look at it (It caused a slight pain behind his neck but he ignores it). He saw people running and shouting at the station before a panting girl scrambles past the oblivious KTX conductor, taking advantage of the man who has his back turn from the train door.

Okay, what was happening? Damn it. He had missed a good chunk of the movie.

"Oh my God! She's the cause of it all!" Jimin yells beside him; quickly shushing his friend because, "No to spoiling!". "It can't even be called spoiling, Tae, because it's just too obvious," Jimin added, rolling his eyes.

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