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"Come here in my front so I can see you. I don't want someone snatching you from behind."

Jimin felt his face flushed with Yoongi's words, ducking his head when he noticed that the older stopped in his track, standing still a few steps ahead of him and waiting. Out of nervous habit, Jimin bit his lower lip, fiddling at the hem of his blue sweater as he took hesitant steps towards the elder.

Yoongi watched, silently admiring the blush dusting Jimin's youthful face. He patiently waits until Jimin is on his left, placing his hand on the small of Jimin's back to push the younger boy lightly ahead of him.

They continue walking in silence; Yoongi finding it comfortable with the presence of the younger as usual. His hands were tucked in his pants pockets, eyes trained on the younger's back in front of him who's constantly, occasionally, looking over his shoulder to check on him. Cute eyes widening and blush deepening every time Yoongi meets his gaze, because Yoongi's eyes never once leave the younger.

Since the last few weeks' happenings, Yoongi finds himself constantly checking on the younger boy, either in school or at home. Ignoring Hoseok's teasings and judging looks from Jimin's purple head best friend. He thinks, if it's for Jimin, he doesn't mind at all. He just doesn't want to risk anymore; leaving Jimin all by himself or going somewhere not in his knowledge. After the cries and sobs that rips Jimin's throat that day, he knows he can't afford to see Jimin in that messed condition all over again; and by that thought, he's unconsciously becoming possessive to the younger, especially when it comes to his protection.

Same as Seokjin who shrieked the moment he sees Jimin lying on Yoongi's bed, sleeping in the blonde's arms. He goes straight right to his kitchen, grabbing the knives in both hands and threatening everyone in the room to tell him 'where the hell are those bullies?!'. Yoongi remembers the terror that plastered on both Namjoon and Taehyung's face that time, trying to calm the eldest with their words but not quiet brave to lay a finger on Seokjin.

He thinks it's funny, how everyone practically overreact to Jimin's condition that time. But after seeing himself awake in the middle of the night, watching Jimin fast asleep in his arms, face shoved on his throat, breathing there softly, he knows he doesn't have the room to talk.

Yoongi snapped out of his trance when he felt someone staring at him, dragging his eyes back to the younger's face and locked eyes with him.

Jimin, surprised and embarrassed that Yoongi caught him staring, almost yelps and slightly jumps. He scurries away, tripping on his own shoes.

Yoongi, amused, smiles at the scene in front of his eyes. Cute, he mused to himself.

Few minutes more and they finally reached the front of Seokjin's apartment. Facing each other to bid their goodbyes.

"I'll fetch you later," Yoongi says, voice low and soft, opposing the flat look on his face.

Jimin once again flushed at the words, tugging at Yoongi's sleeves to stop the elder from walking away.

Yoongi, surprised, stood still; finding the tinge of pink dusting the younger's cheeks amusing. He let his eyes linger on the young face in front of him, making Jimin shy and nervous and embarrass all at the same time.

"N-No need, hyung," Jimin softly says.

They stared at each other for a few more seconds, words died down at the tip of their tongues, effectively sending fever onto Jimin's face when he realized how intense and serious Yoongi's gaze on him.

The elder tilts his head a little, silently asking Jimin why when the younger suddenly decided to drag his eyes down, finding Yoongi's Chuck Taylor's more interesting than anybody else.

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now