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"Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung calls tentatively, voice coming out slightly breathless as he peers behind the white bedroom door. His eyes immediately landed on the black king size bed sitting at the far corner of the big room; one small unconscious body lying peacefully on the bed, tucked under the black duvet up to his chin and one pale blonde guy sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes trained on the sleeping body.

A shiver unconsciously crawls down Taehyung's spine, sleeve-covered fingers gripping the cold doorknob tighter.

"He's still sleeping." Was the only words he heard from the pale guy, cold and baritone, not even bothering looking at him. Seems like the older boy doesn't have a care on anyone other than the sleeping body in front of him.

Taehyung gulped visibly, throat constricting and mouth drying in mixture of emotions; nervousness, worried and kinda... scared, when he knows he shouldn't.

It is just Yoongi hyung, he tells himself, I don't have to be scared.

But his body doesn't cooperate with his mind when he felt like sprinting away from the room at the very second.

"N-Namjoon hyung," he stutters, biting his tongue and mentally scolding himself from stammering, "called Seokjin hyung. Is it okay if he comes here?"

Yoongi makes a low sound of agreement, right hand carefully carding Jimin's dark fringe.

And that's the only answer Taehyung needs before he's slowly closing the bedroom door, one hand automatically flying to his chest and exaggeratedly clutching the material of his gray pullover there; exhaling a breath he didn't know he's holding the entire time.

He padded back to the living room where Namjoon is sitting on the huge white couch, cellphone still in hand, evidence that he had just ended the phone call with his boyfriend. Taehyung plops himself on the other end of the couch, leaning his head on the headrest before slowly closing his eyes.

"You look drained." Namjoon commented, observing the unhealthy color of Taehyung's face.

The younger boy almost whine because who wouldn't if your best friend is still lying unconscious on a big black bed, guarded by a pale scary hyung? And the fact that he still couldn't find the situation to sink in his mind because how dare those spawns of Satan do this to Jimin who's a literal angel? He can't help but feel a little disappointed in himself. He wasn't even there to protect his best friend while Jimin was always there for him when needed.

"What did Seokjin hyung says?" He asked instead, completely brushing off Namjoon's words.

He heard a deep sigh beside him. "He's coming in ten."

"Hmm? I thought he's in full shift today."

"You know that you two are priorities for Jinnie, right?" Namjoon chuckles, "Hoseok will come to fill him up, don't worry."

"Should I start feeling bad about it, hyung?" The purple head asked jokingly, knowing full well that yes, Jimin and him are Seokjin's priorities. The elder has been keeping tabs on them for years and they're practically brothers now.

"If I didn't know better, you should start because I'd be jealous then." The older boy laughs and Taehyung follows, chuckling from the other's words.

"I hope Jiminnie's awake already when Seokjin hyung comes," Taehyung whispers, one eye cracking open to look at the bluish blonde beside him.

Namjoon looked back, eyes slightly shaking from the sudden realization.

"If he sees Jiminnie still lying unconscious on Yoongi hyung's bed, he'll be gone mad. I don't wanna see the Seokjin beast."

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now