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This will be my last author's note for this book so I hope you take time to read this. I promise it'll only cost you 5 minutes :)))

First of before we proceed to the content of the last chapter of this book. Just want to warn you that this chapter will do you nothing but confused the wits out of you like "???" and "whaaat" for real. I honestly don't know what happened, okay :/ I realized a tad bit too late that I messed up half-way thru my plot. I'm so sorry. My only excuse is that I typed this at wee hours and my brains too tired to function just right.

Secondly, I was supposed to give tid bits of the other side ships but yeah, I messed up mid-plot and I just cannot retype a whole 5.2K words :/ This epilogue was here with the intention of wrapping everything about what's happening to #yoonmin because some of you turns into yoongi-anti real quick after our half-vampire upsets his human (ref: previous chapter) hahaha :DDD

Lastly, let me thank you all for the massive support for this book. I never expected this book to be successful. Also, for me to be well-received as a writer since this is my first ever BTS Fanfic (and also written in full English given my poor grammar since I am not a native speaker of the said language). I am also finishing the book with about 105K reads, 5.7K votes, and 1.6K comments. It's such a huge achievement for me. Thank you so much for appreciating my writing. I also always, always enjoyed reading your feedbacks, too --- may it be long, or short, or dramatic --- they motivate me so much and now I'm here :)))

You all, my lovely readers, are the real MVP for patiently waiting for every update tho I take forever to post one. I just hope you all genuinely enjoy reading every chapter bec I love writing them.

Thank you so much for the great support! I hope to see you on my other and future stories. See you all soon! :)))

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“Unlike us, the not-so-exactly-human creatures, people feel rather jealous when they think someone’s threatening their place on their special someone’s life. Well, I’m not sure about that though but it’s solely based on my own observation living with humans for a couple years now.”

Yoongi can still clearly remember the first time he heard those words coming from Hoseok. The conversation was rather serious and quiet whispered in the darkness of the deep night—which if you ask the half-vampire, had tilted him to his own orbit because it was really rare coming from the werewolf, knowing the boy’s bright and easy going personality.

It’s one of those lazy nights they felt lazing around their shared living room with a couple of canned beers. And the time he confessed his identity was exposed and discovered to a human. A special human, Yoongi corrects silently.

It’s the same night Hoseok confessed with a tight lip that he’s starting to slowly feel territorial to the purple-head human; and that the feeling started when he saw another werewolf stalking Taehyung right under his nose. With a swig of beer, the boy describes the feeling of imaging the human taken away from him—like his nerves and knuckles buzzing under his skin, an itch he can’t scratch, a hallow in his chest.

Yoongi didn’t say anything; he doesn’t know the feeling, but he thinks he understands. And so with a large gulp, he empties his can only to open a new one, crushing the empty one in his hand without much effort and throwing it somewhere in the living room space.

People getting jealous; their kinds getting territorial. Both an instinct when their place and territory were being threatened by someone else presence. They’re only phrase differently but still fall on the same equation. Or at least, so Yoongi thinks.

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