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Yoongi silently watches as Jimin lazily pads around his kitchen still clad in his pajama shirt and (Yoongi's) black boxers he ended up sleeping into, feet snugged warmly in white, fluffy slippers Yoongi bought especially for the younger since his feet are always icicle cold whenever he visits, hair sleep-mussed and a gentle pout set on his lips.

He watches as Jimin stir the eggs in a bowl, pouring a little amount of milk and grated cheese for their breakfast omelet. He watches as Jimin sets the pan on the stove and starts cooking. Yoongi's eyes carefully rake over Jimin's form-soft and delicate. He rests an elbow over the counter, resting the right side of his cheeks on a closed fist, enjoying the view in front of him, a fond smile tugging the corners of his lips. He guessed he could get used to this.

Their previous night had been hot and exciting; Jimin's hips grounding against him as the younger pants against his mouth, tasting the tang of his own blood on Yoongi's tongue. He remembers the adrenaline that rushed in his veins after seeing the marks he had left on the boy's neck, licking the thin sheen of sweat on those delicious collarbones; Jimin leaving his own marks on Yoongi's skin with his blunt nails.

Yoongi cannot help but set his eyes on those said marks as he remembers their adventure last night, swallowing hard as he noticed how the red marks on Jimin's throat are now only pinkish and a little yellowish against the honey-gold skin. But there's one mark that still stands out; punctured, bitten, a mixed of red and purple in color.

It is his mark. A territorial mark.

Because Park Jimin is his and no one else.

A rush of satisfaction warms his whole body at the realization; in time as Jimin walks towards him with a tray and set the plates in front of them, a cup of steaming black coffee for Yoongi and orange juice for himself; sliding in a seat across the older boy.

And then there's the bright smile directed to Yoongi, rosy cheeks bunching up cutely under those slit-like eyes.




"Fucking gorgeous," Yoongi absentmindedly blurted out, unaware of how long has he stared at the younger boy who's now looking at him from under his messy fringe, cheeks flaming red and smiling bashfully. Yes, fucking gorgeous.

"Yoongi hyung..." Jimin whispers, voice quiet and breathy. He licked his lips, reaching for the glass of juice and carefully taking a small sip, trying to do something with his mouth before he jumps over the counter and dives right into Yoongi's mouth. It's too early for that, okay.

The half-vampire slightly tilted his head back, closing his eyes and taking a huge inhale of the air. Jimin's arousal pulsing around him like it's trying to cage and swallow him alive, the younger's heartbeats quickening in his ears.

Yoongi loves the reaction of his human so fucking much.

He opens his eyes slightly after a good minute, looking over the younger boy through his half-lidded eyes and not missing how Jimin's breath hitched at the sight, the red from his cheeks rushing down under the collar of his pajama shirt.

Yoongi smirked before getting back to his previous position, one elbow resting on the counter before lazily propping his chin on his knuckles.

"You wanna go somewhere else before we go to school, hmm, Jimin?"

The said boy stares at him for a moment, like he's considering things, before looking down his hands under the counter Yoongi bets he's twirling out of nervous habits. Furrowing his brows, he listens how Jimin's heartbeats falter, now from an entire different reason. Even his scent has change; anxious, scared. The half-vampire frowns.

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now