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Jimin rubs his chin in between his cold fingers, staring at the baby pink ribbon he's trying to tie atop the medium-sized box sitting in front of him for the past 10 minutes. He's never been good with tying ribbons – even to his own shoes, if he is being honest – and he's kind of always frustrated when he can't even do the simple work. Taehyung always ended up doing it for him though because, "I have long fingers, I can probably do this in a matter of second," and Jimin thinks the boy isn't lying when he has done it so fast. And his best friend might have joked a few more times than JImin can count that it's because of his baby short fingers; his loud protests making Taehyung double-over on laughing so hard with his cute whines but he's about to believe it this time.

He peered over his bedside table where his alarm clock was blaring a red 5:52pm, noting there's still probably at least 20 minutes before Taehyung reached their apartment from his singing lesson. Sighing in a mixture of slight annoyance and defeat, Jimin reached to untie the messy bow he did earlier and tried doing it again. This time, he takes his sweet time to make sure he'll do it – if not perfectly, at least decent enough for a gift; tip of the tongue poking in between his plump lips and eyes focused on the task at hand.

A couple of minutes later, he finally did it. Grinning so wide that if anyone ever see him will no doubt be concerned about him splitting his own face into two but will no doubt smile along with him too at how bright the smile is, eyes turning small moon crescents. It's a simple work, it's actually no biggie. But Jimin is struggling at the task and accomplishing it with neat baby pink ribbon peacefully sitting on the carefully wrapped gift was an achievement. He's finally satisfied of himself. Though it took him almost 15 minutes for a simple bow. But whatever.

Jimin was soon found himself shuffling in their kitchen, pan in one hand while the other was carefully lifting the lid of a rice cooker to check the rice. He is hiding the box under his bed when his phone blasts Taeyang's song; his best friend was on the other line, voice still slightly husky from his lesson and asking Jimin to make him food and hot chocolate if he doesn't mind (and pulling a not very subtle best friend duty card against him) or else he'll die in hunger and coldness. Jimin practically crawl from his bedroom to their kitchen, grumbling about his best friend being not a very best best friend at the very moment. But well, who is he to deny a tired Taehyung of delicious food and hot chocolate? He'll add big marshmallows, too, to be very honest.

Yoongi hums lowly in agreement as Jimin continue babbling right next to his ear about this cute snow white cat he met yesterday on his way home. How fluffy and smooth and warm the said cat was under his hand and how it purrs when he crouched down to pet its fur. How it stares at him like the cat's trying to search his soul and the younger boy practically bounced on his feet with his small gloved hands fisted in front of him while screeching how it suspiciously resembles the pale older boy in front of him. Yoongi just nodded his head at that, lips quirking in a hidden smile because unknown to Jimin, Yoongi had witnessed all these yesterday while secretly following the younger boy back to his apartment (for safety purposes, of course).

But the warm moment between him and Jimin has to shutter in the form of a doe-eyed boy butting in. Well, damn.

"Jimin hyung," the said boy calls, eyes darting between Jimin to Yoongi before settling his eyes back to the shorter boy and peeling himself off the wall just right outside the main gate of their school campus.

The aforementioned boy withdraw his eyes from Yoongi to look over the owner of the voice who calls his name. His smile growing slightly bigger at the sight of the familiar freshman, waving his small gloved-mitten hand.

"Jeon Jungkookie~" Jimin singsongs, bouncing his way over to the boy with Yoongi slowly trailing behind him. "What are you still doing here outside? You're going to catch cold."

"It's okay," Jungkook paused, taking a quick glance to the pale senior who plants himself at Jimin's right. The very small distance between Yoongi and Jimin is starting to annoy him and he barely manages to hold back a scowl at the sight. "I-I'm waiting for you."

"Oh," says Jimin, lips forming a small 'o' and tilting his head to the side slightly with his big brown eyes; nearly making Jungkook faints at the overload cuteness. Jesus Christ, have mercy on him. "But why?" Jimin added, shuffling on his feet and hugging his coat tighter around his body when the chilly wind bite his cheeks.

Yoongi noticed, stealthily moving a tad bit closer to guarantee the shorter boy beside him a small warm.

Jungkook noticed, jaw clenching at the sight.

Jimin doesn't noticed, oblivious cinnamon as ever.

"Let's get you inside, Jimin hyung. We don't like you catching cold, right?" Jungkook says instead, taking a step closer to Jimin who nods quickly in agreement and is inwardly thankful because he feels like he's starting to freeze his face.

The three started to walk inside the campus with Jimin the only one talking for the three of them, story about the fluffy white cat repeating because he's so eager to share the story to everyone he's going to meet today. With Jungkook walking on Jimin's left and Yoongi on the right.

The earlier question on why the youngest of the three was waiting for Jimin outside the campus remained unanswered, completely forgotten on Jimin's case by how absorb he is on telling a story, but still lingering in Yoongi's mind. He thinks he doesn't need to hear the answer though, because he can clearly see it on the way Jungkook looks at his human.

And Yoongi barely holds himself on letting out a possessive growl by the thought.

"So..." Jungkook starts. The three of them stops in front of the school building and facing each other. Yoongi sees how Jungkook's eyes soften at the sight of red-nosed Jimin beside them. "I'll see you later at Jin hyung's party, hyung?"

__________ ___ __ _

I'll cut it here because, who's your biggest procrastinator arsehole? Yas, das meee.

Why am I so annoying omg. Short update.

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