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There're no classes but Jimin still woke up particularly early today. And waking up, he remembered being cradled against a sturdy chest, arms wound tight around his waist. He panics a little, sleep-foggy mind sending his body on full alert, until a whiff of familiar musky scent waft his nose that he let his system slightly relaxed. He tried to wiggle out of the grasp, getting a peek of the person hugging him and immediately flushing at the sight of Yoongi's sleeping face; looking all soft and almost child-like with the small pout adorning his lips. It's a sight so rare and almost private and Jimin felt like he's invading something he doesn't have the right to.

Staring at Yoongi like this, a hundred miles far from the daily awake Yoongi they see – who's as grumpy as grandpa with bored eyes and uninterested face – sent a weird feeling in Jimin's gut: the good kind of weird. How his familiar smell alone gave him a flare of security and protection and something homey. It's weird, Jimin noted, before burying his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck, snuggling against the warmth. He inhaled that musky scent, relaxing further before exhaling onto the skin there. The older boy immediately pulled him closer to his own body, lips planting on his forehead and nose in his hair, as if it's the most normal thing to do. And the action didn't fail to warm Jimin's whole body, small fire licking under his skin.

"G-Good morning, hyung," he whispered onto Yoongi's throat, small hands fisting in between their chests.

"Hmm," Yoongi hums, "Go back to sleep, Jiminnie. It's still too early," he says in a low, sleepy husky voice; Jimin feeling the vibration of Yoongi's lips against his forehead where it's still planted. Jimin shivers at the feeling.

They promptly fell back asleep like that.

Flushing at the memory, Jimin finishes combing his hair, freeing the strands from few tangles and making it looking all soft and fluffy again before placing the comb onto the bedside table. He pads to Yoongi's walk-in closet, remembering the older boy telling him to get some basketball shorts and sweaters he could change into. The rows of t-shirts, sweaters and hoodies that greeted him were mostly consists of black and white. That doesn't even surprised him, he's always peg Yoongi as a monochromic type. And he thinks it's manly and cool.

One short finger tapping against his chin and keen eyes examining the closet, he finally reached up for that one plain white knitted sweater tucked in the right side, yanking the stinky clothes he's still clad in. How did even Yoongi stand him with those clothes? To think they're snuggled against each other the whole night. A blush of embarrassment rise on the apple of his cheeks at the realization, pulling a black basketball shorts and a sweater over his head. The sweater was too big for his small frame, neckline falling on one of his shoulders and sleeves creating sweater paws. He doesn't mind, it's soft and feels comfortable and most importantly, it smells just like Yoongi.

Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi.

His mind was full of nothing but Yoongi since last night until now.

A sound of the door opening has Jimin running from the walk-in closet to the middle of the bedroom, smiling brightly at the boy standing on the doorway.

"Hi, hyung."

"Are you done, sunshine?" Yoongi asked, meeting Jimin halfway with an arm around the boy's waist. If ever Yoongi noticed the blush on his cheeks after that gesture, Jimin was thankful for the older boy not saying anything about it.

Jimin nods his head before the older boy maneuvered them out of the room, closing the door behind them and walking towards the dining room where they saw Hoseok placing plates of foods on the table. He noticed based on the paper bags on the countertop that they're take-outs from the coffee shop Jimin remembered going with Taehyung on the downtown one time. But the foods were kind of expensive for one meal of a broke student so that's the first and last time they tried the place.

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now