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Notice: There's no yoonmin. Sorry for disappointing you.

"Are you sure he's going to pick you up, Jiminnie?" Taehyung starts, bending over and shoving almost half of his body inside their refrigerator to rummage for food. He's so hungry he swears he could devour the appliance if they stayed at their shared apartment for another five more minutes. "You are not imagining things, are you?" he continued, standing back up, yelping and hissing when his head banged on the freezer, stretching a hand free of frozen pizza atop his head and rubbing the hurt spot.

Jimin poke his head inside the kitchen, face contorting in a feigned offense as if his best friend had just insulted his whole clan. "Of course, I am sure. I am not making up things, Taehyung-ah," he defended; subtly looking down his phone on his hand and silently praying for Yoongi to at least send him a simple message that he's actually on his way to rub at his best friend's face.

And going as far as running the whole scenario two hours ago in his head where the pale older boy promised to fetch him so they can go to Jin hyung's together and making sure he heard Yoongi right about the picking him up thing because the least he wanted to happen was to prove Taehyung right that he's just imagining things. That would be very embarrassing.

"But it's been like what?" Taehyung took the half-eaten pizza out of his mouth to look down his wristwatch, chewing quickly like a little hamster and not bothering swallowing first before talking again, "45 minutes since the fifth time you told me to wait another couple minutes because your Yoongi hyung is coming— (Hey! He's your hyung, too!) —and I sure am Seokjinnie hyung is going to burst in our door or maybe even our window any minute now if we still didn't start walking to his apartment."

And as if on cue, both their phone pings simultaneously, a big New Message from Jinnie hyung glaring at them on the screen.

"I told you!" Taehyung screeched, both hands flying up in the air, almost sending flying the half-eaten poor frozen pizza and his cracked-screen phone in the process and looking at Jimin with expression full of accusation.

"No, I told you, Tae. I told you not to say things like that because it usually came true and we both get in trouble after." Jimin sighed and shook his head at the dramatic wailing that followed from the purple head, walking to their bedroom to get his wallet and keys. Keys because Taehyung might bring his own copy but he's certain his best friend will eventually lost it somewhere in the middle of the party. It happened not once, not twice, but too many times to even remember.

"Get your things, we'll be leaving in a minute," Jimin shouts.

"Thank goodness!" was the answer he heard from around the mouthful of cold pizza.

"You look smitten it's almost embarrassing."

Jungkook was startled by the low voice coming behind him. And when he turned around to check who the hell dare cut his train of thoughts, he found it to be Namjoon; clad in all black outfit from head to toe, making his newly dyed mint green hair and ugly looking like hut haircut (thank goodness it was neatly styled up now, showcasing his forehead) stood out in the crowd and dim lights. He watched as the guy settled himself beside him, one hand tucked in his pants' pocket and another occupied by a cold canned beer.

Namjoon looks at him, a small smile adorning his face and dimple showing as he watched the confused, almost shy face of Jungkook and nursing a very light shade of pink on both cheeks. He knew it wasn't from beer because the younger was only sipping a cola in his own cup – probably because of Jin.

"What are you saying, hyung?" Jungkook dare asks with his eyes away from Namjoon, hoping his voice doesn't sound weak and biting his lower lip in an attempt to control the beat of his heart that was suddenly going frantic after making an eye contact with the certain new comer still standing by his brother's apartment door.

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