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"He'll be fine," Namjoon – Jin's boyfriend – whispered quietly to the elder's ears, wrapping an arm on the latter's shoulder before rubbing his bare arm.

Jin is more than concerned and worried for Jimin because of the latter's current state. The said younger barely eat, barely sleep and even barely talk to any of them. If not for Jin's careful assistance, the kid will probably pass out and laid on one of the hospital beds, too. Jimin will just stand up and leave his spot to use the comfort room for a few minutes – almost rushing to get back to his place as fast as he could – and again plopped himself at the (hard and cold and surely uncomfortable) stool beside Taehyung's hospital bed, where the latter's still sleeping for a full recovery after a few certain test for the abdominal pain he suffered from – and that turned out to be an ulcer. It's not that bad but still bad. It's an ulcer and Taehyung could felt worse pain that he might not be able to tolerate if Jin was late for another minute.

And that he's thankful he did it on time.

"I hope it's soon," he murmurs, eyes not leaving Jimin's sleeping face where the younger's head was leaned down, right cheek pressed on Taehyung's hand.

Namjoon's ringing phone startled the both of them; much to Jin's shocked who's clutching a hand on his chest with wide eyes. Namjoon summoned all the energy to suppress a laugh at how cute his boyfriend is now.

"I'm sorry, I need to answer this one," he said, waving his phone in front of Jin with a small smile on his lips.

Jin absentmindedly nods his head, brows slowly relaxing despite of the laugh he can practically hear from his boyfriend's words. He wanted to scold Namjoon for making fun of him but he can't bring himself to, not at time like this. So he settled with a soft "Sure," before Namjoon peck his cheek and walked outside the room.

Jin stared at his dongsaengs, debating on himself if he'll invite the two on his apartment or invite himself to the youngsters' apartment, because seriously, these two needs someone to take care of them. Who will remind Taehyung to drink his supplements after his released? Who will take care of Taehyung when Jimin needs to do his school works? Who will prepare nutritious foods for them? Who will send the two to beds for good hours of sleep? Who will—


He was startled by the slightly raspy voice from somewhere, cutting his train of thoughts. And there he saw Jimin, staring straight at him with still sleepy eyes before he place a hand over his right eye and rubbed the sleep. He can't help but pull a smile from the younger's cuteness – sleepy eyes and pouty lips.

"What is it, Jimin?" He stood up, walking towards the younger and arranging Jimin's hair that's cutely sticking every which way.

"I'm hungry," Jimin murmurs, tilting his head up to look at Jin's upside-down profile.

The elder looked down to meet his eyes with a smile larger than earlier. He's happy of what he heard from the younger. Finally, he thought. He's extremely worried for the younger's health since he's not eating properly for the last two days.

"You want me to buy you food? I can call Namjoon," he says softly, unconsciously stroking Jimin's hair and it's honestly lulling him back to sleep. It's relaxing and it's what his tired body needed.

He looked straight at Jin, eyes filled with uncertainty before the elder flashed him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay. Namjoon wouldn't mind, and if he does, I'll kick him right in the face," Jin chuckled and Jimin giggled at that.

Still hesitant from the request but nodded anyway. "Thanks, Jin hyung."

"Anything for my dongsaengs."

YoonMin || I NEED U (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now