Chapter 205: Sweetness

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Shi Lei felt like he was dreaming. After drinking so much alcohol, his mind was a bit unclear, so much so that ecstasy broke out suddenly after they left the restaurant. He turned his head and glanced at Bai Qingquan beside him, trying to hold his hand.

Bai Qingquan shrank his hand back and put it in his pocket. Shi Lei took advantage of the situation and reached into his pocket, grabbed his hand, and said, "Didn't you agree to be my boyfriend?"

Bai Qingquan glanced around, slightly nervous.

"You're wearing a mask," Shi Lei said.

Bai Qingquan didn't speak. Shi Lei kept putting his hand in his pocket, holding his hand, and kept looking at him with a smile.

"It's like a dream," Shi Lei said.

Bai Qingquan still remained silent.

"Why don't you talk?"

Bai Qingquan whispered, "What are you talking about..."

His mind was still confused. Why did he fall so easily? He and Shi Lei had only met a few times. He didn't fall in love for all these years because he had always been cautious about falling in love. The result now was that he surrendered so quickly when he encountered Shi Lei, who didn't play cards according to common sense. He felt that all his criteria for getting to know each other for at least half a year had been abandoned. If Shi Lei had been more forceful, he probably would have given in halfway.

He liked strong men. He felt that he had released his inner nature all at once and felt a bit ashamed for it.

It was summer as they walked on the street late in the night. There were still many young people around. As the two held hands, they gradually became sweaty. Bai Qingquan's heart suddenly began to show feelings of happiness bit by bit. He had suddenly felt the sweetness of love.

When they were young, he only liked Shi Lei very innocently. After meeting him again so many years later, the first thing that moved him was the sexual tension they had, followed by his pure feelings.

Adults and children were very different.

While Shi Lei wasn't as tall as Yan Qiuchi, when he was looking at him alone, Bai Qingquan felt that he was taller than Yan Qiuchi. Though his appearance wasn't as handsome, Bai Qingquan thought this was actually a plus, as he looked more masculine. His manly temperament far exceeded his physical appearance. He also thought Shi Lei was quite courageous... Not every man would dare to chase a star like this.

Shi Lei dropped him off at the entrance to the hotel. Only then did he let go of his hands. His palms were completely covered in sweat as the cool window blew on them.

"Go in," Shi Lei said.

Bai Qingquan said, "Nn. Take a taxi back and tell me when you get home."

Shi Lei nodded and asked, "Do you have time tomorrow? Let's have dinner together."

Bai Qingquan let out a "Nn".

"Then I'm leaving," Shi Lei said.

Bai Qingquan said "Nn" again.

He watched Shi Lei get into the taxi, then returned to the hotel and immediately called Shen Jintai as soon as he entered his room. He wanted to tell Shen Jintai as soon as possible. However, the call kept ringing, and Shen Jintai never picked up.

In Yan Qiuchi's room in the Yan's Manor, Shen Jintai's pants were scattered on the floor, and the phone that was still in its pocket kept vibrating.

Suddenly, an arm reached out at the end of the bed. Shen Jintai stretched forward. "I... My phone's ringing..."

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