Chapter 213: It's Sweet. Double CP are Sweet Together

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"It's getting late, so go to bed early," Bai Qingquan said.

"I'll take a shower first," Shi Lei said.

Bai Qingquan nodded, then went into the master bedroom, closed the door, sat on the bed, thought for a while, got out of bed again, and opened the door.

After doing this, he laid down on the bed again. The bed he slept on was big. He usually sleeps alone with two pillows. One for leaning against and the other as a bolster. He moved one pillow to the side, thinking that Shi Lei might come and sleep with him later. His heart rippled at just the thought.

As he was thinking about it, he heard Shi Lei calling him. He hurriedly jumped out of bed and responded. Shi Lei said in the bathroom, "I don't have any extra clothes. Can you give me a pair of pajamas?"

"Can you wear my pajamas?" As Bai Qingquan said it, he went to the closet and brought out his pajamas. His pajamas were very girly, with white and blue plaid, and there was a big red strawberry on the chest.

He pushed the bathroom door open, and from the gap, he handed his clothes to Shi Lei. He heard Shi Lei say, "It's okay. You can come in."

Bai Qingquan suddenly realized that Shi Lei might not be wearing clothes right now. There was a certain issue that was on his mind, and now he could take a peek, so he could know in advance.

Bai Qingquan became excited all of a sudden. He pursed his lips and secretly peeked into the crack of the door. Sure enough, he saw Shi Lei naked as he was putting on his pajamas, but the pajamas hadn't been worn yet.

Bai Qingquan only felt a shock all over, and his face flushed immediately.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Sure enough....

He said that a man like Shi Lei, who was full of masculinity, must have a lot of capital. Now that the facts were in front of him, it was even more magnificent than he thought. Bai Qingquan only felt like he was burning all over. He sneaked back to his bedroom and climbed into bed. All that lingered in his mind was the glimpse he just had.

Bai Qingquan rolled around with the blanket in his arms and couldn't help but take out his phone and share the news with Shen Jintai.

However, at the other end, Shen Jintai didn't have time to take his call as Yan Qiuchi was present. Yan Qiuchi was very serious this time and said he wanted to have a good talk with Shen Jintai.

"The phone's ringing," Shen Jintai said.

"You can call them back later," Yan Qiuchi said.

Seeing that he was very serious, Shen Jintai sat upright on the sofa and looked at Yan Qiuchi.

"Did you come to the set to avoid me?"

"I promised Director Guo and the others. Besides, if I make an appearance in your company's dramas, it'll be good for it," Shen Jintai said. "...Well, I'll be honest. It's a bit..."

"Are you reluctant to sleep with me?" Yan Qiuchi asked.

"No." Shen Jintai licked his lips and said, "It's just..."

"Too much, right?" Yan Qiuchi asked again.

Yan Qiuchi was serious, as he didn't feel any hints of embarrassment when talking about this kind of topic. He looked at Shen Jintai directly with a calm expression.

Truthfully, it wasn't. However, Shen Jintai felt ashamed and embarrassed to talk about it. He was actually a relatively calm person. Unlike Bai Qingquan, who acted shy, he was open-minded about sex and wouldn't refuse, but right now he felt shameful.

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