FRANCE here we come.

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So, okay, I think Liam don't like Niall at all, But I think Niall did nothing wrong in front of Liam. And that's what I hate about Liam, He got so jealous easily. I mean Niall doesn't like me, And I hope he do. 

"Ahm, Lei I think I should be leaving-" Niall waved goodbye to and move closer and whispered. "I thnk you're boyfriend, don't like me here." I gave him a fake smile, as he walk towards the door.

"Bye Bro-" Niall waved also to Liam, He just stare at Niall, "Keep safe Niall." I smiled.

"Ahm-Liam," I said as I was closing the door. "WHAT?!" he shouted, I jumped back.

So now he's angry with me, WOW. What did I do? I mean do I say something stupid? Or something.

"Wow, Thanks for not shouting at me." I sarcastically said "Oh, sorry sorry," he mumbled, "But what was it?"

"So you're fine now?"  I arched my eyebrows. He just nodded and smile.

"Okay, so prepare you're things we'll be going to france tomorrow, Together with my friends."

"Really" he beamed with a smile, and run towards me and hug me tightly, i just smile.

Okay, so this gonna be fun, I mean going out of the country, I mean It's France the city of Love.

"So, Wait I'm going to pack my things now." Liam said excitedly and run through his room, and slammed the door already.

"Wow he's really excited, Don't he?" I whispered under my breathe.



Do really have what it takes, do you have the X-Factor? The X-factor auditions will be this coming November, prepare yourself you can be the next X-factor winner.

I turned off the T.V

Okay so X-factor, That kinda good to try for audition, I mean it's worth a try.

"Hey Hun.-" mum entered the house with her grocery bag "I saw what's on t.v"  She winked at me. 

"Nah- Xfactor? The hell are you kidding me mum?" I shook my head and gave her a half smile, Mum sat beside me, and hold my chin, making my face, look at her.

"Why, You're good hun, Believe in yourself, Mind giving it a try" She kissed on me on the cheecks, I wiped it with my hand immediately..

"Whatever mum-" I rolled my eyes, and marched upstairs.

*My phone vibrated*

Hi guys, prepare yourselves we'll be leaving tomorrow night, So France here we come. Have a rest.


Oh, the France thing will be tomorrow night, WOW, how I'd love to visit France, and ofcourse we need to see PARIS because it's the city of Love and everything. So I think I should fix my things already. 

"Zayn, honey," Mum yelled downstairs."You have a beautiful visitor,"

I marched downstairs and it was Ysa, I beamed into a wonderful smile.

"Hey, Zayn." She said, she waved her hands, she's just perfect even though she's not trying to be perf.

"hi ysa, what brings you here?" I led her to the couch and I sat beside her.

"Oh, nothing, Just checking, Yano I missed you." She pouted her lips and pinched my cheeks, i hate her pouting her lips It's tempting me to kiss those lips.

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