Chapter 5

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You know what I hate the most in the morning? Having the morning sun glare at my face with its unnecessary brilliance. As an idol who was currently on the rise towards the apex of their career, sleep was like money—something that I always wanted more of, but could never get enough of.


Ugh, seriously, it's too damn bright. Did my stupid cat rip off the blinds again? I swear, once I open my eyes and get out of this bed...




Something was strange. The new mattress I had just purchased felt oddly tough, and my body was strangely not covered by soft linen blankets. Without the smooth linen fabric softly caressing my skin, I felt cold and naked. Still refusing to open my eyes, I stretched out my hands, blindly reaching out for where my blanket and pillow might have gone after a potentially tumultuous night of tossing and turning.

Only to be met with empty air.

This is weird. Was someone putting a prank on me? I don't remember inviting Aqua and Miko, the usual culprits, over. Could I have gotten kidnapped somehow and got dumped in the middle of nowhere? Maybe. My mind was spinning with possibilities, but I still stubbornly refused to open my eyes. They must remain closed until my alarm.


A cold breeze suddenly crawled up my spine. Yeah, okay, something was wrong.


With great reluctance, I pried my eyes open. But instead of the decorated interior of my cozy apartment, I instead found myself lying on a soft terrace of grass beneath the dazzling morning sun.


What's going on?

Where am I?

This is not my house.

I don't recognize this place.

Why are there plants and trees everywhere?


"Good morning, you're finally awake."

An unfamiliar voice.

"Sleep well, Ms. Suisei?"

Yet somehow, the voice sounded unbelievably sweet and alluring. Enough for me to grab a hold of myself from that brief moment of mania. I turned around towards the source, and found myself staring at a beautiful woman with crimson hair and eyes.

"...Ms. Suisei?" The woman frowned—the strange timbre of her voice, high-pitched, yet dripping with experience and maturity, lingered in the air as she spoke my name. She had a red top with a black coat draped over her shoulders. The long sleeves of the coat were oversized compared to her arms—they hanged loosely, fluttering slightly from the cool morning breeze. A sailor's—no, a pirate's hat sat on her head. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought the person in front of me was an insanely talented cosplayer.

"...Nothing." I replied, remembering the events from yesterday. The woman before me was the captain of the Houshou Pirates. Marine, a fierce fighter hiding behind the visage of a gorgeous lady. I knew it well—the terrible sight of her stabbing her sword into the fleshy eyes of that damned monster was firmly etched in my mind.

Right, I was in another world, one apparently populated by terrible reptilian-like beasts from fantasy. And by some strange twist of fate, I was not alone, but surrounded by two otherworldly companions. The one in front of me I must win over as she was the key to my survival.

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