Chapter 42

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A pair of calloused hands were tugging at the hems of her sleeves.

"Marine, Marine!"

Marine closed her eyes, keen to filter out the incessant noise. She allowed her mind to wander, indulging in the ambient sounds of civilization. The hushed clatters of passersby. The faint clonk of a horse's hooves against the stone surface. The rhythmic creak of a wooden carriage as it ebbed along the uneven roads. The cheerful chirps of songbirds as they sang innocently beneath the morning sun—


—And the pitiful whines of a persistent young lady. Marine reluctantly opened her eyes, making no effort to hide her displeasure. For the first time in ages, she was able to stand unafraid in the middle of a grand city. It was a rare opportunity. In her native world, she was a notorious criminal sentenced to death by the Crown. As a result, she was used to hiding in the shadows and darkness, using backdoors and bribes to enter and exit the cities. Being out in the open of a bustling city was a novel experience.

An experience currently ruined by Suisei. The young lady was staring at her with a puppy-like gaze, clamoring for her attention. Marine rolled her eyes, trying to resist the pull of her maternal instincts. Even then, it took only a few seconds before she caved.


"Are you sure this outfit is okay?" Suisei asked while smoothing out the wrinkles in her clothes. She was wearing a loose gray smock and a pair of unbleached trousers. On her feet remained the beat-up pair of low-heel boots commandeered from Prosperia. Marine's outfit wasn't much different.

"Yes? Why wouldn't it be fine?"

"We're meeting royalty! Can we really dress like this while entering the palace? We'll stand out like sore thumbs!"

We already stand out because of your loud fussing.

Marine fought the urge to sigh. She was already trying her best to ignore the probing glances shot by passersby. The sight of two peasant ladies standing before the gates of the royal palace invited questions. If it weren't for the stout guards waiting alongside them, some unruly aristocrats would have already driven them off by now.

She does have a point.

Their simple clothes were adequate to blend in with the commoners, but unfortunately, they were currently in the upper district of Sol's capital city, Kalinga. The main attraction of the upper district was the royal palace, and within its vicinity stood the mansions and public works of art carved in terracotta. Expensive-looking shops selling perfume, clothes, and sweets lined the blocks, decorated by rows of neatly trimmed hedges.

The district itself was proliferated with snobby nobles accompanied by their servants. Their vivid outfits stood out as vibrant smudges against the backdrop of buildings composed of pristine marble stones. Marine could feel the distain in their eyes as they walked by. Everyone around them were either haughty aristocrats or royal soldiers.

"Well, whether or not the clothes are appropriate, it's not like we can do anything about it. Reine hasn't paid me yet for the mercenary work," Marine said, grimacing as painful memories of Prosperia resurfaced, "Besides, weren't you fine speaking with her inside the stronghold? Why are you self-conscious about it now?"

"That was different! It didn't sink in that she was actually a princess."

Marine groaned.

Is she like this normally? I can't tell if she's acting frivolous on purpose or not.

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