Part 4

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Reader's Pov - It was really awkward that I accidentally gave it away, and told Clocky that BEN stayed in my room with me last night. Especially since he was sleeping in the bed with me last night! "WAIT WHAT?! YOU SLE-" I immediately interrupt her, I didn't want the entire mansion knowing! "SHHH! I don't want the entire mansion knowing this stuff! And I didn't do "that" with him! He was just being nice because I had a nightmare last night and I...I kinda asked him to stay.." I say that last part quieter than the rest, and Clocky notices the light blush spread across my face. Clocky gasps "Oooh, I'm pretty sure you li-" "No! I don't like him! I?! No, I couldn't like him! We fight all the time! He's annoying, I don't like him, and he doesn't like me!". "Mhm, keep tellin yourself that, you'll never find out if you don't try to get closer to him. If you like him, try to be friends with him, get to know BEN better, hang out with him more, stop fighting with him. Maybe you guys, one day, would be something more than friends.". "But Clocky, do you really think he would like me? I'm mean to him every day! I don't think he would like me.. I can try, but... wait what am I saying?! Nevermind...". "Y/n? What is it?". "Nothin, thank you for the advice Clocky!" I give her a reassuring smile and hug her. "You're welcome, just know I'm always here if you need advice.". "Thank you.. well I'm gonna go now." I break the hug and we both say our goodbyes and I leave her room. Walking down the hallway, I run into BEN. "Oh hey." BEN says in a somewhat.. shy or quiet way? I don't know, but he's definitely acting weird, especially after last night! "Oh, hi, so uhh.. how'd you sleep?" I ask to try and stop thinking about last night and make things less awkward. "Ehh, I'm still tired, but I slept good. I'm gonna go play some video games for a bit, wanna join me?". 'Wait what?! He's asking me, if I want to play games with him?!'. I was a bit hesitant and thought for a moment but agreed to play with him. "Alright, sure I'll play some games.". "Okay! Let's go!". 'Damn, he seems so happy when he has someone to play with, he's like a child. He's kind cute.. wait no! What the hell is wrong with meee?!'. I shake my head and just continue walking with BEN to his room. We get to his room and get the console and controller ready. "So, whatcha wanna play?". "Hmm... Minecraft?" BEN asks happily. "Uhh, sure, that sounds fun..". Me and BEN played for a few hours, honestly it was a lot of fun! I killed him a few times ever once in awhile just for fun, he got really angry and killed me back, but it was worth it. It was a lot of fun. "Damnit!!" BEN yelled, then threw the controller behind him in his bed and then crossed his arms, pouting like a little kid. "I'm sorryyyyy, forgive me pleasee! I was just messing around!". BEN still pouts like a little kid, then his frown quickly changes into a mischievous grin. "Hmm... I'll forgive you.". I let out a sigh of relief, but then before I could say anything BEN jumps on me and pins me to the bed. "What the hell are you doing?!". BEN stares into my eyes for a few moments before looking away and moving. "Uhh.. Sorry..". I was a bit confused, and I had a light blush across my face. "It's umm.. it's alright.. I think I'm gonna go to bed now..". It was getting pretty late, it was already 11:00 pm. "Oh- alright, well I'll see ya in the morning Y/n, goodnight.". "Yeah, goodnight." With that I get up and walk out of his room to mine, I quietly close the door, then my face goes bright red. 'I can't believe he just pinned me to the bed like that! That was so weird.. but I do have to say that- wait no! No no no! I don't like him!'. I shake my head and just jump on my bed, too tired to even change into pajamas or even fully get under the covers. Soon I fall into a light sleep, but it was nice. The cool air flowing through the room was very nice.

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