Part 6

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Reader's Pov - We walk downstairs to go hangout with the others, but to our surprise, Slender was waiting downstairs. Me and BEN are both really confused when we see him. "I know you both are confused right now, but everyone else is on a mission right now, so I figured I'd assign you two a mission as well.". "Aww but Slender! Today is our day off!". "Don't fight with me, just go get it done.". With that, Slender disappears and leaves me and BEN. BEN was whining and pouting like a little kid. "Just shut up. Let's just go, let's get it done and over with.". "Fine!". Me and BEN both leave the mansion and walk to the targets house, when we get there, we saw the lights were on. We sneak over to the window and climb in, BEN climbs in first, I climb in behind him and almost fall. But to my surprise, BEN catches me and pulls me back up. 'Wha- phew... thank God I didn't fall like last time!'. "You need to be more careful." BEN whispers. "Yeah yeah, I know, let's just kill these fuckers and get back." I whisper back. BEN just nods in response and we each to go to the bedroom door, trying to quietly open the door. The door makes a lot of noise though, alerting the targets. "Shit- we need to hide!" I whisper yell. BEN grabs me and pulls me into the nearby closet, having to pull me close to him because the closet was small. I feel my face getting hot, as I'm basically leaning against BEN's chest. 'Oh god, oh god, please let me out of this damn closet! This is so awkward! But.. I kinda like this.. it's nice.... I need to stop denying the fact that I like BEN, but.. I already know he wouldn't like me back, so I'm just gonna push that feeling to the side..' I take out my knife, and BEN takes his out as well. Waiting for the targets to make the dumb decision of opening the closet door, and they do! Me and BEN quickly stab the couple, both getting covered in blood today, but I don't care. "Alright, let's goooooo!". I happily jump out of the window landing right on my ass! "Damnit!" BEN starts laughing as I stand up. "Wow, you really are an idiot, aren't you?" "Just shut up! I'm not an idiot!" I slap BEN and cross my arms. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorryyy!". BEN pulls me into a hug "I'm sorryyyyy". "Whatever... let's just go..". As he pulls away from the hug I notice a light blush spread across his face, and then a small smile forms on my face as I stare at his face for a moment before turning and walking towards the forest. "Alright! You comin?" I turn to face BEN. "Oh! Uhh, yeah!" BEN runs to catch up with me and we both start walking to the mansion.

BEN's Pov - 'Y/n's so cute... wait! Ugh! I need to stop it with these thoughts!" I mentally slap myself in the face before I get snapped out of my thoughts by Y/n again. "Alright! You comin?" "Oh! Uhh, yeah!" I run to catch up with her and we start walking back to the mansion. Once we get to the mansion we see Masky and Hoodie both eating cheesecake. "Oh hey Hoodie and Masky! It's been awhile!". "Yeah, it has." Masky says through his mouth that was stuffed with cheesecake at the moment. "So, you and Y/n?". "Huh?" I say, slightly confused. Hoodie speaks up and says "He's asking if you two are dating.". A deep shade of red spreads across mine and Y/n's face. "Uhh, no.". Masky again says, with his mouth stuffed "Mhm, sure.". "We're nottt! We won't ever! I don't like her and she doesn't like me!".

Reader's Pov - Those words... those hurt... He doesn't like me.... "Umm... I'm.. I'm gonna go to bed now..". 'It's getting late anyways.. it's alright 12:47 am'. "Oh- alright, see ya Y/n!". "Yeah... see ya..." with that, I head up to our room and close the door. I go to sit on my bed but feel something warm running down my face. I was crying. But why? It was because of BEN's words... 'Ugh! Why do I care so much! It's just a small crush! I don't even like him that much!!'. I mentally slap myself in the face and lay down, getting comfortable under the covers. 'I might hang out with EJ tomorrow, he might know some stuff about crushes or why it kinda hurts to hear words such as BEN's. I open the window, then slowly start drifting off to sleep, listening to the air and wind flow. outside.

Ben Drowned x Reader - Unconditional LoveWhere stories live. Discover now