Part 7

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Reader's Pov - I wake up to the sun shining in through the window, I open my eyes, unable to sleep any longer. 'Ugh, another boring ass day at the mansion.'. I suddenly jump up remembering that I wanted to talk to EJ about the little crush thing. I quickly get ready, tying half of my [hair color] hair up quickly and changing into a [fav color] tank top and some black jeans. As soon as I'm ready for the day I swing the door open and basically start running down the hall. And lucky for me, I run into EJ! "Ah! Just the person I need to talk to!". "Ehm.. what is it, what do you need to talk to me about Y/n? Make it quick because I gotta leave for a mission soon!". "Yeah yeah! But, do you know if I may be have a 'crush' on BEN?". "Huh? How am I supposed to know?". "Umm.. well... I dunno..". "Ugh, just tell me how you feel about him, then maybe I'd know a bit..". "Oh alright! Well I obviously don't hate BEN anymore, he's been really nice to me for a some reason lately, so I don't think he hates me... but whenever I'm around him, I feel like I have a bunch of little butterflies flying around in my stomach, and my heart starts beating faster... it's not a bad feeling though...". "Wow...". "What? Is that bad?!". I started to panic a bit, not knowing anything about liking people or having crushes. "No no! It's not bad! It's just really obvious that you have a big crush on BEN.. do you think he feels the same way?". "I don't knowww!". EJ would be facepalming if he didn't have his mask on right now, but he didn't, he just calmly asks "Well, have you tried asking him what he thinks of you?". "Well no, but Masky did... hearing BEN's response to Masky hurt a bit though... he said he didn't like me at all... yet he-.. nevermind, I'ma shut up.. well thank you for the help EJ..". I stand up and walk to the door "It's really no problem Y/n, just know that I'm here if ya ever need to talk to me about problems like that... see ya..". "Bye.." with that, I leave the room and sigh, my shoulders dropping a bit in frustration. 'Damnit... I don't know what to even say to BEN right now... it's clear that he doesn't like me..'.

BEN's Pov - 'Ugh! I really like Y/n but I don't even know how to tell her! I basically said I really didn't like her earlier when I was talking to Masky... I feel really bad about it... maybe I should apologize....'. I lay on my bed in frustration and confusion. 'Is she really angry at me? Will she even talk to me after that?! Ugh! I don't knowwww!!'. For the next 15 minutes I lay on my bed, just stuck in my head, thinking about Y/n and if she's angry at me, or sad, or if I should apologize to her... 'It'd be so awkward telling her that I didn't mean that earlier and I truly really like her! I already know she doesn't like me, so there's no point in trying!! Maybe I should... no I shouldn't! I'll make a fool out of myself! She'll reject me and then stop talking to me once she finds out that I like her! Then she'll tell the others! And it'll be really embarrassing, especially being made fun of by the others, especially Jeff! He's the worst when it comes to teasing or making fun of me....' I roll over on my bed again, still thinking.. 'This is so dumb! I just need to get some rest for a bit...' with that I drift off to sleep.

Small A/n -

By the way, BEN's Pov was the night before Y/n talked to EJ.

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