Chapter 2

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- On the way to the beach pier for the photoshoot -

Were in the car on the road to pick up bryant, sunrise is nearly over so its perfect lightning for the photoshoot. We put on the radio and the way comes on!

(I decided Ari at the age of 18 is still too young to have a 2nd album "My everything" so only her debut album is out at this point of the story "yours truly")

Me and cam jam out to the song and he tries hitting my whistle tones, may i express...TRIES. But it was funny to hear him anyways. i feel the breeze and watch cam drive. I gaze at his jawline. He quickly looks at me in a puzzled look.
"you okay beb?" cam asks
"yeah aha im fine just tired, staying up and watching OITNB till 4am was a bad idea"
"oh god yeah thats true oh well we ended up falling asleep anyways" he smiles and laughs whilst his eyes on the road.
Cameron puts his arm around my seat and drives with one hand.
"you look like a pimp" i laugh and rest my head on his shoulder.
"how did u knowww" he says sarcastically
"i always knew" i giggle with him and he kisses me on the forehead.
i reach out my purse and ring my mum to tell her I'm okay.

-5 miss calls-


she takes forever to answer but finally does.
"sweetie, where r u? ive been ringing all night and damn day for you"
i put the volume low so cameron cant hear.
i pretend she was talking NICE to me and fake a smile.
"oh sorry i forgot to call, I'm with er...cameron" i say happily.
"why the hell r u with him for??!!! i told u i don't like that boy" i roll my eyes and sigh.
i pretend that the phone signal is faulty and hang up the phone.
"uh er- mum what did u say? m-mum i will call u back later, i have no signal o-okay mum?"
i hang up.

i let out a big sigh. "dammit I'm not getting signal" Cam takes out his phone.
"i have like 5bars, use my phone." (smartass)
i laugh it off
"no no its fine, will just call back tonight" i smile awkwardly

Cam looks at me and clenches his jaw.
at this point im looking into the orange sky and palm trees, i am daydreamin(pun) and without a conscious i say " mhmm yeah"
"does your mum have a problem (seriously the damn puns) with me?" cam talks in one tone no expression.
i look at him and he looks upset, "no what? no she is fine with u"
"oh okay, just wondering" he smiles now and carries on driving to bryant's house

We pick up bryant and spoke on the way laughing about everything and everyone.

Finally made it to the beach and cam walks to the trunk of the car while me and bryant walk down to the pier.
"so u and cam r getting serious i see?" bryant grins
"wow shutup , but yh i guess we are" i laugh and smile
"u guys make a good couple tho" he swings his camera
"thanks haha i seriously cant wait for the shoot today"
"well yall made me wake up like 2 hours early for it" i can't tell if he was being serious or funny.
Cameron catches up to us and holds my hand. We make it to the balcony and start the photoshoot

It was pretty funny, because cam had such a serious face, i guess he was much used to doing photoshoots. i ended up always laughing, i couldn't keep a straight face for 3seconds. Bryant told me if i couldn't do serious couple pics, we might as well just do cute smiley pics.
I felt way more comfortable just smiling and laughing with cameron.
He held me in all sorts of way, and so did i. He carried me and twirled me around.
Then i realised i was in a skirt so quickly came back down.
We finished with the shoot, and looked through pics, there was all sorts of cool pics.
kiss ones were the favourites because i mean duhhh.
We headed back and ended up spending the whole day chilling at the beach.

It was 3pm and we headed back to the car.
"Honeymoon avenuee my babyyy coastin like crazyyy" i was singing while jumping around and put my arm around bryant and cameron.

Suddenly there was a bunch of fans running towards us, we saw a few of the paparazzi taking pics as well. I spoke and hugged a few fans and bryant took some group pics.
They were so sweet and made us some merch with the words #Camriana
my fans honestly mean the world to me and however i guess it cant really balance out with all the haters aswell, i mean cam is a good looking guy to these 14year olds so they get really protective of him.

we head back to the car and get to mine to pick up my clothes for nash's party.
Cam and bryant wait in the car outside mine and i open the door to see Skate.

The way she bad (Cameron Dallas and Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now