Post Street Fight

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"You just love missing tables don't you?" The second Anna heard the voice she turned around. As she did tears began to form in her eyes. Almost immediately Nyles' arms opened. She collapsed into him tears immediately soaking his shirt. "Well fuck I always say the wrong shit don't I?" She nodded as he carefully lifted her off her feet. "What happened?" She had asked him to come when she found out her match that night was going to be another street fight. Thankfully he lived near the arena so she had been able to easily convince him. The second he arrived she had picked his brain on what to do to make the match different. While she had done just that she had also gotten badly injured in the process.

"My fucking ribs." She groaned as her head fell into his shoulder. He gently held her, his hands along her thighs as he moved to lean against the wall next to medical.

"You actually get them checked out?" She nodded. "Want to change?" Another nod. "Left or right?"

"To the right." He carefully squeezed her thigh before he peeled himself away from the wall.

"What did they say about your ribs Bluejay?" He asked quietly.

"Dislocated them." He sucked in a breath at her words. He had done it many times before and knew how badly it hurt.

"Well Navy and I will keep you company for a bit then. Wait on you hand and foot." She laughed at his words before immediately groaning. "Sorry Bluejay."

"It's fine. We just both know you don't wait on anyone hand or foot." He laughed lightly before he finally arrived at her locker room.

"Might make an exception for you...." She rolled her eyes as she was set down. "But I'll be here, you go do you. Just give me your bag when you're ready." A small smile appeared on her lips before she nodded.

"Thank you." He nodded as he moved to lean against the wall next to the door. "You better not peak because you will get your head bit off." He laughed at her words a smile appearing along his lips.

"I'm not a child Anna." She looked him up an down. "Oh fuck off." She laughed before she tiptoed her lips pressing against his cheek quickly in a friendly kiss.

"Thank you for coming Righty. You have no idea." A small smile appeared along his lips as he nodded.

"Wouldn't have missed it Anna. Now go change so we can get back to my place before dark." As she disappeared into the room he could see someone who had been watching their interaction. He ignored it as he grabbed out his phone looking through it hoping for some inkling about when his next match would be. When the door opened next to him his eyes flicked towards it and he could see the woman who had been watching them walk into the room.

"Anna.... Who is that?" Penelope Ford asked as she walked into the room. Everyone's attention was immediately on the Queenslayer who was groaning is pain as she changed.

"Don't even start. He's nothing but a friend and is actually the one who trained me...." Penelope looked Anna in the eyes and the younger woman sighed. "I've known him for four years and he's one of my best friends. Asked him to come so I could pick his brain for the street fight."

"And you haven't...?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"Not once, not even a kiss. Like I said he's a friend and nothing more. Literally could be a brother to me if I didn't have enough." Anna quickly finished changing before the locker room door opened again.

"Who is the tall glass of water outside?" Julia Hart commented as she walked in. The entire room could hear the laugh coming from the male outside and all of their eyes shot to Anna. Nyles had a unique laugh and anyone that watched Impact knew it. If they hadn't watched Impact they knew it from his father. The two had identical laughs that just about everyone had come to know.

"No fucking way Anna." The Bunny or Laura as everyone back stage knew her said with a smirk. Anna rolled her eyes before grabbing her bag with a groan.

"He's a fucking friend. Would you all fuck off?" She was getting annoyed with the conversation and they all knew it. Her bag was dragged out the room before Nyles was greeted by a very angry Anna. When he went to open his mouth her hand came up stopping him immediately. "Don't. Just take this fucking thing and let's go." He nodded before he grabbed her duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder. When he handed her the coat he had been wearing she looked up at him.

"It's pouring. Don't need you bitching about being soaked so just put it on." She shot him a small smile before pulling it over her body. He pulled the hood up on it when he noticed her struggling. "Come on Bluejay. Cars to the left." He said before opening the door to outside.

Nyles wasn't lying it was just about storming. As he started off towards the car he was instantly soaked. Anna was all but grateful of his coat as it covered most of her body keeping her dry. Her bag was thrown into the backseat of his car as she climbed into the passenger seat. By the time she had his coat off he was in the car and starting it.

"You owe me." He commented as he shook the wetness from her hair.

"You asshole...." She said as he shook water onto her. When she shoved him he laughed before she groaned her hand clutching her side. "Fuck me." She said under her breath as he looked at her concerned.

"Yeah they're not fun." He said as his hand gently squeezed her thigh before he backed the car out of the parking spot. As he made his way into the traffic around the arena, he could see her lean against the window. "We've probably got like an hour maybe two in this Bluejay. You can sleep." She shook her head.

"How've you been Righty?" He chuckled.

"Good as I can be. Just been trying to get work because for whatever reason I've pissed off Scott." She looked over at him completely baffled.

"How?" He shrugged.

"No fucking clue honestly. Think it might've been the old man that did it but for the past three months I haven't seen anything but the weight room. Cannot wait for my contract to be up." Her eyes met his as he looked at her for a moment.

"You should talk with Nick and Matt." He shook his head.

"I'm not gonna do that. I've had a few chats with Kenny about it all but I'm not begging anyone Anna. I get enough shit for my last name as is. But I've gotten calls from the other Kahn...." Her lips pursed. "And a few people over in Japan so it's just what I want to do when times up."

"I swear if you go to...." He shook his head.

"I don't plan on it but it is a safe choice with a lot of money." He stated as his eyes went back to the road. "Besides everything tonight you been good Bluejay?" He asked diverting the conversation away from him.

"I've been alright. Feel like I'm back where I was in the beginning but at least I'm wrestling every week..." She could see his face fall slightly at her words. "But Chris and Sammy have honestly been amazing to work with and Tay and I work so well that it's been really nice."

"That's good Bluejay." He said honestly before he turned the heat in the car on. "I'm sorry if I make you start sweating but fuck me I'm cold." She adjusted before cautiously leaning against him. "I'm gonna get you wet."

"Is what it is Righty." She said as her head moved to rest against his shoulder. "I'm sorry things at Impact haven't worked out." Nyles hand gently moved to squeeze Anna's thigh as he responded.

"Is what it is Bluejay."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now