Let It Out

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"How's he holding up?" Chris Jericho asked Anna as they both looked at Nyles. His fathers funeral was winding down and the entire day he had been emotionless.

"Honestly Chris I have no idea." Chris shook his head as he sighed. "He hasn't been himself the past couple of days. Don't get me wrong I can only imagine what's he's going through but he went from crying to absolutely nothing and I have no idea what to do."

"Has he gone out and forgotten about it all yet?" She shook her head. "Let's get through this and I'll find a place for everyone to go where we can just get drunk and forget about it all. It's what Stuffy would've wanted." She nodded at the older man's words. It is exactly what Nyles father would want them to do. "You just worry about him, I'll figure the rest out."

"Thank you Chris." She said quietly. Chris shot her a small smile before excusing himself. Julia came up to Anna, hugging her tightly.

"You doing alright?" For the first time that day someone asked her how she was doing and she couldn't take it. Anna sucked in a shaky breath and Julia knew exactly what was to come. What she didn't expect was to see Nyles walk up to the two of them. His hand carefully met Anna's shoulder as he spoke quietly.

"Let's get some air outside." The two of them got Anna outside and around to where nobody was sitting. Nyles didn't even hesitate his suit forgotten as his back hit the wall of the building and he sunk to the ground. As Julia held a crying Anna, she could see Nyles' head fall into his hands his shoulders shaking as he silently cried.

"Just let it out." Julia said quietly as she held her good friend. While she tried consoling Anna, she could see Kris Statlander carefully approach Nyles. The second her hand met his shoulder he was leaning into her tears falling as she wrapped him in a tight hug.

"You've got to breathe Righty." Kris said quietly as she heard him begin to hyperventilate.

"Anna...." Julia whispered. "You don't need to stop but he needs you." Anna carefully nodded before she gently moved away from the blonde. Her tear filled eyes met Kris' who gave Anna a comforting smile as she moved down to Nyles' level.

"Righty...." Anna couldn't help the small sob that escaped her lips as she saw how broken her best friend looked. Nyles didn't even hesitate. He moved out of Kris' grasp before Anna was pulled into him. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders tightly as he moved her into his lap, his arms around her waist. His head hit her shoulder and they all could hear him break down fully. Her nose buried into his hair, tears slipping down her cheeks as she simply held him.

Julia and Kris exchanged a silent glance. Both of them knew words wouldn't help only time could. Kris gently leaned into Nyles her hand running along his arm as her head moved to rest along his shoulder. Julia carefully gathered her dress before she moved down to everyone else's level. As she cautiously leaned into Nyles her hand moved to gently run along Anna's back.

"Ny-...." Heath stopped as he saw the sight of the four of them. "Oh fuck 'em. They can deal with it." He said before walking away. As Anna heard the words she couldn't help her laugh. The second she did she could hear a small laugh come from Nyles. Slowly he composed himself before laughing once more.

"Fuck me. He'd think we're insane right now crying over him." Anna couldn't help her light laugh as she nodded.

"Stuffy would be telling us to get drunk and tell story's not cry out the back of the funeral home." She replied causing him to laugh as he nodded.

"I think Stuffy would be laughing at you both right now telling you you're idiots." Kris said as she gave them both a gentle hug. Kris just like Anna had trained under Nyles' father and was almost as close to Nyles' as Anna was. "Last thing he'd want is either one of you sad. He loved you both and would want you to remember that. No matter what Stuffy will always be with you. I know it hurts and nothing is going to change that but the last thing he would want is to see either one of you crying. Hell. He'd see you crying Righty and would be throwing you into that fountain." Nyles couldn't help his laugh as he carefully pulled away from Anna's shoulder. His head hit the wall behind him while he quietly laughed. Gently Anna's hands came up wiping his tears away before she leaned into his chest.

"He'd be giving us so much shit right now." Anna commented before Kris' lightly laughed as she nodded.

"Righty you gonna ask her on that date yet?" When Kris impersonated his father Nyles couldn't help the smile that appeared on his lips. "Bluejay you still blue balling him?" Both Anna and Nyles couldn't help their laughter. Stuffy always wanted to see them together but they simply were best friends. They both had gotten used to the hazing from his father when they were together.

"Fuck am I gonna miss that." Kris gave him a gentle hug at his words.

"We all are. Trust me. His hazing was unlike anyone else's." Nyles nodded as he leaned into the older woman gently. When his hand squeezed Anna's side she looked up at him.

"We all need to get fucking drunk." All three women nodded.

"Every last one of us." Anna commented before he nodded in agreement.

"I should probably get back in there." Nyles said after a few moments. Anna's hand gently ran along his forearm as her other arm wrapped around his waist.

"We'll go distract everyone. You two just chill for a few." Kris said as she gently squeezed Nyles shoulder. As the older woman stood, Julia's hand reassuringly ran along Anna's back before she did the same as Kris. The two women left leaving Anna and Nyles to collect themselves.

"This just fucking hurts Bluejay." He said once he knew they were alone. She carefully turned in his arms. Her arms wound around his neck before she hugged him tightly.

"I just expect him to come round the corner, hit us with that laugh before telling us to get a room." Nyles chuckled as he nodded into Anna's shoulder. "All I can say is thank fuck you have his laugh because that is the thing I'm going to miss the most."

"Me too Bluejay." Her head turned before her lips pressed to his cheek for a long moment. When she pulled away she could see her lipstick left behind.

"I am never wearing this again." She commented before her hand came up wiping the lipstick away. The entire time he was laughing as she did.

"Never fails you leave makeup behind on me." She rolled her eyes before she shook her head. Carefully she moved from his arms before getting up effortlessly even in heels.

"You ready Righty?" He took a deep breath in as he looked up at her. Slowly he nodded before her hand was extended towards him. As he stood up they could both hear fabric tearing. He turned seeing the fact that his pants had ripped, just as she started laughing. Her hand went to cover her mouth as she tried to stop it when she saw him looking at her. He went from looking angry to belly laughing in a mere second.

When Nyles snorted Anna couldn't help the fact that her laughing now became audible. Her hand moved to his bicep leaning into him as they both laughed.

"You would fucking do this to me old man." He said as their laughter calmed down. She gently squeezed his arm before she pulled away.

"Come on ya idiot let's go figure out how to hide that." He chuckled as he nodded. Before she could walk away he gently grabbed her hand. She turned back to him and his arms wrapped around her. Anna's lips gently pressed to Nyles' cheek as he spoke.

"You have no idea how much I appreciate you being here."

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