The Last Impact

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"Okay so tell me about it all." Tay Melo said as Anna and her moved to sit at her large kitchen table. Just as Anna was about to start Sammy Guevara walked in grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Don't mind me. Just thirsty. You both want anything?" They shook their heads before he quickly disappeared into the next room turning on the large tv within. As he got lost in sports the two women got back into their conversation.

"So you know Righty with me right?" Tay nodded at Anna's words.

"Typical idiot older brother." Anna laughed as he nodded.

"Yeah. So after the street fight I went to his house because I couldn't be assed to sleep in that uncomfortable hotel bed and you know I had that gut feeling something was going to happen." Tay nodded. "So he was going through the typical routine when one of us gets injured. Got us food well I was just honestly really in my head and just down but the food just absolutely made my day. Well I went to give him a kiss on the cheek as I usually do and he turned his fucking head. Didn't mean to. Neither one of us did but we kissed and since then it has been nothing but awkward. Like it wasn't even a second and something has just been fucked up. Now I don't know if it has to do with him finally getting his last match in Impact but it has just been so weird."

"Have you said anything to him?" Anna nodded at her friends words.

"I think we silently just agreed not to talk about it but that's the thing. He's been fucking silent. Getting anything out of him has been like pulling teeth." Tay looked at her but before they could speak Sammy spoke up from the other room.

"Anna! Tay! You both need to get in here!"

Nyles was waiting for his match to start his phone discarded in his locker as he warmed up. The countless texts and calls from Anna and many others were unnoticed as he prepared for what would be his last match in Impact. As he got closer to gorilla position he could see everyone looking at him. He opted to ignore it as it had become a common theme. For some reason everyone backstage had come to dislike him. While he had tried to smooth the relationships over they had all but denied it.

All Nyles was looking forwards to was getting this match over with so he could look for a new company. He pulled his jacket on just as Scott the head of creative approached him. Something that hadn't happened in nearly a year.

"You okay kid?" Nyles looked at the older man confused. "You sure you're alright to do this match?" Once again confusion was plastered across his face but he answered.

"I'm fine. Just want to get it over with." Scott looked at him for a moment before nodding. He didn't know Nyles enough to know what his look said. Scott left him alone knowing that Nyles' music was about to hit.

Nyles sucked in a breath his music hitting. He made his way out to the ring to the cheers of the crowd. It had been a long while since he had heard them cheer for him. For the past year he had been the victim of countless squash matches getting buried into the ground. So to be able to come out to his music and have people cheer for him it was a change.

Everyone knew this was his last match at Impact but there was a different feeling in the crowd. Ignoring the signs as he usually did he hopped into the ring and he couldn't help but hear the announcers say they were shocked to still see him competing given the circumstances. After his bounce around the ring he came to a stop looking over at his opponent.

Nyles' match was against Heath. One of his longtime rivals in Impact but one of his good friends out of the ring. Heath was of the wrestlers Nyles could always count on to put on a banger of a match with. Heath came closer getting into Nyles' face for a small pop of heat but mainly so he could say something to the younger man.

"I'm sorry about your old man kid." Nyles looked at him confused but he didn't have time to process it. The bell rang and the match began. A few minutes and some high flying moves later Nyles could hear a chant that made him stop.

"Thank you Stuffy!" Clapping went along with the chanting. "Thank you Stuffy!" It was his fathers nickname.

"Righty you good?" Heath asked as he put the younger man into a headlock. Nyles reversed it easily.

"What the fuck is going on?" When Heath stiffened up he knew exactly why they were chanting. Nyles sucked in a breath. His eyes scanned the crowd as and he could see countless signs confirming what he had thought. "W-We're finishing this." The words were quickly said to the older man who nodded discreetly.

"Hit me with the Wright Stuff kid. It's how he'd want you to do it." Nyles discreetly helped Heath to the ropes so he could break out of the hold. The younger man sucked in a breath before he got Heath up and bicycle kicked him. As the other man staggered on his feet Nyles knew exactly what to do. It was a move he had practiced for years but had never once done on live tv. He hopped onto the top turnbuckle before effortlessly walking to the middle of the ropes.

"He's gonna do it! He's gonna do it!" And that he did. Nyles jumped from the top rope effortlessly turning in the air before hitting a stunner on Heath. As he did it his thumb was up in his fathers signature pose. Nyles covered Heath as his thumb up stuck out towards the hard camera. He was doing everything in his power to keep it together.

The three count hit and Nyles didn't even hesitate. He rolled out of the ring immediately leaving it.

Fans could tell something was off but he didn't care. He walked backstage his finger pointed in the air to the same chant they had done during his match. When he got behind the curtains his face was emotionless. Scott tried to approach him but was instantly pushed away.

"Don't you even fucking try right now. I swear to fucking...." Nyles' words stopped when he felt a hand on his bicep. He turned his eyes meeting a familiar pair. Anna didn't say a word instead she carefully pulled him away from Scott and towards his locker room.

"Get your things, they're not worth it." He nodded before quickly disappearing into the room. All of his things were quickly shoved into his bag once he threw a hoodie on. Less than five minutes later he was out of the room his eyes on Anna. She didn't even hesitate carefully grabbing Nyles arm before getting him out of the arena. When they got to her car he stopped her. Nyles' next words just about broke Anna's heart.

"Tell me it's not true."

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