Just An Act

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"Wasssuuuuppp!" Nyles said as his arm draped along Kris' shoulder. She couldn't help her laugh and smile as her arm wound around his midsection.

"Wasssuuuuuupppppp!" She said back as she leaned into him. "How's it going Righty?" He nodded a smile along his lips.

"Going real well." When she saw his eyes on Anna he knew exactly what he meant.

"You ever...." He shook his head. "You ever tell her the story?" He laughed as he shook his head. "Righty you have got to tell her that story...."

"Kris I am never ever telling her that story." When he looked over at his good friend he could tell she had something on her mind. "Don't you dare. Don't you even fucking mention it."

"If you don't I will. She will laugh her ass off." She could see him turn slightly red. "Righty it was the past and was fucking comical. Tell her the damn story and then do it right." He groaned quietly.

"Fine." Nyles said to Kris before he could feel a hand grabbing at his shirt. "You good Bluejay?" He asked when he noticed it was Anna. The second he saw the look on her face his arm dropped from around Kris and he turned. When he took a step forwards he was pushed back towards Kris. "What are you...." He trailed off when he noticed Toni and Jamie watching them.

"You really are a fucking asshole aren't you?" Kris was watching absolutely baffled at the interaction. "Just go with it." Anna said to her quietly. "You always go running back to Kris don't you Righty? Like honestly it's fucking pathetic." Her fake anger was only heard by the five of them making it that much more perfect.

"The fuck do you expect Anna?" He retorted as he stepped towards her. "Every fucking time you even remotely show any sort of feelings you throw me right back into the friend zone. If you seriously think I'm just gonna sit here for years waiting you've honestly got me wrong. I ain't a lost puppy Anna."

"Don't hate me." Anna said under her breath to Nyles before her palm connected with his cheek. Thankfully he had been expecting it and she had held back making it sting more for her than it did for him. "You really are a fucking prick." With that Anna walked away and Kris could tell the both of them were biting back laughter but to Toni and Jamie it looked like they were seething.

"Fucking bitch." Nyles commented and within seconds there was a water bottle thrown at him by Anna. "Mature...." She flicked him off as she disappeared into the women's locker room. When Jamie and Toni quickly followed her, Kris looked at Nyles who turned around before laughing. "That was so fucking perfect." He got out through chuckles.

"You two are so fucking evil. You really should've been an actor." He rolled his eyes.

"Nah fuck that. You know wrestling has always been my life." She laughed as she nodded.

"Very, very true." Kris responded before she could see Anna coming back out of the room she had disappeared into. "She's coming back."

"Dickhead...." He turned and her lips smashed against his. It was then that Kris saw Toni, Jamie and Britt's head peaking out of the locker room.

"You bloody assholes." They heard Jamie said as Anna kissed the cheek she had slapped. Nyles laughed as his arm wound around her midsection. "I'm calling bullshit until you fuck. Just saying." When they both rolled their eyes Britt piped up.

"I'm not believing it until I see pictures of them on a date." Kris couldn't help her laugh and that's when they all looked at her.

"With his history of first dates good luck with that." Nyles groaned as his eyes rolled.

"You wanted to go fucking ice skating. I'm a fucking dancer not a skater. It's not my fucking fault my arm snapped." Anna looked between the two of them.

"Wait, wait.... What?" She said before Toni, Britt and Jamie got closer.

"Oh we need to hear the full story too." Toni commented earning a groan from Nyles.

"So when we first met Kris told me how much she loved ice skating but hadn't been in years. Well my dumb and naïve ass thought that it would be the perfect first date for us even though at that point I hadn't seen a fucking bit of ice outside of a damn freezer. So we go and here's me thinking it's going to be a piece of cake because she's flying around like it's fucking nothing. Yeah.... It's not all sunshine and rainbows. So first attempt my ass does the splits nearly tore my groin and pants...."

"You tore your boxers though." Kris said with a laugh.

"Yeah still don't know how the fuck I managed that but yeah do the splits so then she finally realizes that I might actually need help so she does. I find the slightest bit of balance she let's go and boom fall straight forwards smash my nose and shattered my wrist.... So three pins and two screws later and my reputation for first dates hasn't gotten much better." That was when Anna laughed.

"Oh my god the fucking bonfire...." He shook his head as he groaned.

"I hate you both." He commented as both Anna and Kris laughed.

"Wait so you can't leave us at that. You need to tell us about everything." He groaned at Britt's words.

"Fine. So you have splits and broken wrist and nose with Kris. The next one I lit my pants on fire at a bonfire, she dumped me a week later because I couldn't walk properly with a burned foot. One after that I got beat up by her psycho ex." Kris couldn't hold in her laughter.

"That bitch was fucking crazy. Why you even went on a date with her was beyond me." She commented before he chuckled.

"She was hot I was dumb. After that it was the fucking puppet show that I thought was a comedy show which was a nightmare. And last but not least, food poisoning hell. Trusted an idiot to cook and was sick for a month. My luck with first dates is literally awful." Jamie smirked.

"You should let her plan it then." Nyles rolled his eyes.

"Nah I'm redeeming myself so Kris can fuck off and never make me speak about that shitty date again." Kris laughed.

"I'm never letting you live that down. But I am betting on you doing something stupid." Nyles rolled his eyes before Anna spoke up.

"Would you all leave him alone? I'm sure I'll be fine." He groaned causing Kris to laugh.

"You just jinxed it. I cannot wait to hear about it...." Anna rolled her eyes just as Nyles replied.

"It will be fine."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now