A Dark Night

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"Tell me it's not true." As the words left Nyles' mouth Anna's arms wound tightly around his neck. "Please Bluejay." He pleaded.

"I'm so sorry Righty." His head fell into her shoulder before he instantly started sobbing. He leaned into her pressing her against her car as he cried into her shoulder. Her hand carefully ran along his back as the other tangled in his hair holding him tightly. As he broke down she couldn't help the tears that formed in her eyes.

Anna knew how close Nyles was to his father. His father taught him everything and was the reason why he had gotten into wrestling in the first place. When he was a kid Nyles went to every show his father was in and traveled the road with him. They were inseparable for the majority of his life until his father had been forced to retired from injury. Even then they were still close as Nyles helped his father when he opened his training school. While they couldn't travel together Nyles had made a point to spend the majority of his free time at the school which is where he and Anna had met.

Through out the years Anna had just about become a daughter to Stuffy through training and the fact that her and Nyles had become inseparable like he and his father had been before. While his loss was affecting her she could only imagine the pain he was feeling.

What made her angry however was the fact that nobody but Heath had told him. They had all assumed he knew and was just staying strong. Anna however knew that if Nyles had known the last thing on his mind would've been the match. He would've gone back home to his family.

Anna out of the corner of her eye could see Heath approaching carefully. Heath had been a good friend of Nyles' father, becoming a mentor to Nyles when he signed with Impact. The look on his face said everything. He was just as mad as she was. The older man didn't say a word instead he quietly approached his hand carefully moving to Nyles' shoulder giving it a tight and reassuring squeeze.

"If y'all need anything, call." Heath said quietly to Anna who nodded before he left a tear slipping down his cheek as he shook his head. "Fucking pricks anything for money." The words were meant to be said to himself but she heard them clearly and couldn't have agreed more.

"Let's get you home Righty." She said quietly into his ear as she noticed that people were starting to leave the venue. Slowly Nyles nodded before pulling away from her. Anna carefully wiped his tears away giving him a soft smile. Their eyes met for a moment and she could see how broken he was. Without any hesitation she pulled him in for one more quick hug before they both got into the car.

Anna started her car as she saw Nyles move to lean against the door. She could see the tears still running down his cheek as he looked out the window. She didn't even hesitate to get on the road back to his childhood home. It would be a five hour drive but she didn't care she was going to be there for him through it all. As she drove down the highway her hand carefully moved to rest along his forearm. Slowly her hand moved down it before her fingers found their way into his. She squeezed his hand lightly before he looked over at her.

"Thank you Bluejay." She could hear the pain in his words as they came out. Once again she squeezed his hand gently. His thumb ran along hers absentmindedly as he pulled his phone out. Carefully her hand slipped from his before she took the device from his hands. "I need to...."

"I talked to her earlier. She wanted me to get you home that's all she wants. She'll tell you the rest Righty. You want to hear it from her." He looked over at her.

"I just want to know what happened." There was a quiet sob at the end of his sentence and it took everything in her not to pull over so she could hug him. "Bluejay please. Just tell me." He pleaded with her as she put his phone in the pocket of her door.

"He had a stroke last night. Your mom thought he had just gone to sleep didn't think anything until this morning." The words were as painful for her as they were for him.

"Pull over." The words came quick. "Anna. Pull over." She did as he said and she could see him go completely pale. The second the car stopped he was out the door and dry heaving. As Anna carefully got out of the car she could see him stagger slightly before his knees hit the ground and he lost his stomach. She grabbed a bottle of water from the backseat giving him a moment to collect himself. Carefully she moved towards him her hand gently landing on his shoulder as she offered him the water. He grabbed it using the first drink of it to wash his mouth out before he drank the rest of the bottle.

"You let me know Righty." His eyes met hers for a moment and she could see his tears start forming again. Without any hesitation she moved to hug him tightly moving him closer to the car.

"Just tell me you're joking." As the words came out in a sob her hand moved to the back of his neck holding him carefully.

"I wish I was." She replied after the longest time. She hugged him for nearly an hour as he let out every emotion. His tears soaked her shirt but she didn't care. She knew he needed her. Slowly he started to calm down once more, her lips carefully pressing along his cheek. A sigh escaped his lips before he pulled away from her. The hands that were on his neck moved to cup his face once more wiping the stray tears away.

"I-I can't go back there tonight." She nodded slowly.

"You can stay at my place for the night Righty, then we'll get you to your family in the morning." He nodded before he pulled her in for one last tight hug.

"Thank you Anna." She simply squeezed him tightly at the words. She knew he would do the exact same thing if he was in her position. When he pulled away once more their eyes met. She asked him a silent question before he nodded. Carefully she separated from him. As he climbed back into the car she went around to the drivers side doing the same. Once they were back on the road she could see his hand reach up towards the radio. "I can't take the fucking silence." He commented earning a short laugh from her before he turned the radio on.

As Nyles sat back in the chair his eyes closing he could feel Anna's hand gently take his once more. A gentle squeeze was felt as his thumb moved along hers. Nyles eyes opened for a moment looking over at Anna before he spoke honest words.

"Thank you for always being here for me Bluejay."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now