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"Anna.... Tell us what happened!" Britt said as they all got ready for Dynamite that night. They all knew about Anna's date the weekend before but nobody had heard any details about it. Anna turned red.

"Tell me he didn't fuck it up...." Kris said before Anna shook her head turning even redder. "No...." Her ears turned bright red. "What did you do?!"

"I.... IHitHimInTheNuts." The words came out quickly. While the majority of them stared at her like she was crazy Jamie started laughing.

"You fucking did not!" Anna's head fell into her hands as she nodded. "How and why???"

"It wasn't on purpose!" She replied as she looked up. Every single pair of eyes in the room was on her. "Okay look. Everything about the date was absolutely amazing. Seriously was one of the best dates I have ever been on. But as I was getting into the car, my fucking heel broke and my foot slipped and went straight into his fucking dick."

"His luck will never fail." Kris said as she and the others started laughing. Anna however was still bright red.

"Tell me you at least made up for it." Toni said with a smirk before she dodged the water bottle thrown at her.

"Did you kiss it and make it better?" Britt couldn't keep her composure as the words escaped her lips. Anna shook her head before she stood up. They were going to do nothing but give her shit.

"I hate you all." She commented as she walked out of the room her middle fingers extended towards all of them as they laughed. Once she got out of the room she ran into Julia who had been running late to the show.

"What's got you all red?" The blonde asked before Anna sighed.

"I hit Righty in the nuts after our date and they're all giving me shit for it because of his bad luck with first dates. I already feel bad enough for it and yeah.... Just not helping in there." Julia looked at her for a moment before pulling her in for a quick hug.

"How did he respond to it?" Anna couldn't help her laugh.

"I laughed my ass off. It's just my luck." Nyles answered for her. Julia could see just about every ounce of worry leave Anna's face at his response. "I don't hate you Bluejay. It's not a big deal and definitely wasn't the worst thing to happen. Wasn't as painful as the one with Kris." Anna moved toward him before leaning into him careful of the coffees he had in his hands. "So I took a singular sip out of this and now I don't want coffee so I don't know if you want it but I did get you your usual." He said to the brunette as he offered her the drink he had gotten for her. Anna grabbed it before passing it to Julia.

"Oh my god yes!" Julia groaned as she took a sip of the coffee. Anna took the coffee that was meant for him out of his hand.

"And I'll take this." He chuckled as he nodded.

"All yours Bluejay." Her lips connected with his quickly before she went back into leaning against him. Julia couldn't help the smile along her lips as she saw Nyles' arm move around Anna. "What are you all happy about?"

"You two are just cute that's all." His eyes rolled as Anna laughed.

"We are not." He commented as a smirk appeared along Julia's lips.

"But alas you are. Ooooo sidetrack Righty I want your help with my promo...." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Well we both do." He chuckled.

"I've already helped her with it. But whatcha need my help with...? Just be creepy and shit." Julia looked at him unamused. "Alright.... I'm serious now...." He started. "What's got you stuck?"

"I really just don't know what to fucking say. Any time I try and write something I just go blank." Nyles chuckled, shaking his head before his eyes met Julia's.

"And there's where you're going wrong. The best thing about recorded promos is you could go on for an hour about anything about the other person. Fuck I think there's a cut that's made it out of a promo I did for a match with Max back in the day that was.... Oh fuck I'd have to ask him how long it was but legit probably close to two hours. That was one promo. Then we go to a face to face they put it on YouTube because it was long enough to be a literal show. We had a script for it. Neither one of us stuck to it and they were grateful of the fact we did because we sold that place out with a promo. Literally the day after the one on YouTube went out they had people calling begging for a bigger venue." Anna knew about that promo. Though Max and Nyles had never gotten along they sold the promo and match beautifully. It had cemented Nyles as a face while he helped turn MJF into the heel he is today.

"Not trying to toot my own horn hope you don't feel that way but what I'm trying to say because I like to fucking talk is. Speak from the heart. Bring up deep shit. Bring up shit about the J.A.S. Talk about your past with her. Don't hold back. Give everything you have and just let it out. If it's an hour that you're sitting there then it's an hour and they can cut it and make it insane. Having a script is only going to hold you back." Anna nodded in agreement as she leaned back into him. "But I'll give you the best way to start it considering I helped her with her last line. Say Anna Banana as creepy as you can. Then go from there. Just keep it dark. Keep it evil. Hell.... Maybe see if you can get the guys to come in during it. Cement that you're with them and that no matter what Anna can't pull you away from that. Make it known that you're THE House of Black."

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Anna asked Nyles before he chuckled.

"From the fucking second Kenny said I could help y'all with the no holds barred. My mind races when it comes to wrestling Bluejay, what do you expect?"  She shook her head as she laughed.

"So what did you tell her to say?" Julia asked Nyles causing Anna to laugh as she answered.

"He told me to call you a spooky bitch."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now