No Denying the Truth

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"Alright, it's fucking time, we need to talk about it." Anna said as she could hear Nyles' fingers tapping against the steering wheel again. The four hours they had been in the car had been nothing but them listening to the radio and not talking. His fingers stopped moving gripping the steering wheel for a moment before a long breath escaped his lips.

"I just.... You just.... Fuck...." The words weren't coming easy for him. "Like...." He internally cursed at the fact that they were stopped in traffic. He had no excuse not to look over at her. His head turned and their eyes met. "Oh fuck it."

There was no hesitation in his actions. His fingertips moved along her cheek causing her eyes to close. As his fingers found their way into her hair he leaned forward. She couldn't take it any longer. Anna met Nyles halfway her lips pressing firmly against his. Her hands moved to the back of his neck holding him in place as the two just about melted into each other their lips moving in a slow but perfect rhythm. When they pulled away she couldn't help her laugh as her forehead moved to rest along his.

"You realize how fucking stupid we are right?" He chuckled lightly before his lips pressed to hers once more.

"Yeah but I don't fucking care right now." He said as he pulled away gently. His eyes flicking to the road for a moment to make sure he didn't need to move. As his head turned back her lips pressed against his. When she pulled away he moved to gently kiss her cheek. "You're so fucking stunning Bluejay." The words were said carefully against her skin.

"You're not to shabby Righty." She couldn't keep a straight face as the words came out. The second he laughed she couldn't contain hers.

"Thanks. I already know you're way out of my league. Don't need the confirmation." Her lips pressed against his cheek.

"Righty if anything you're out of my league." He laughed at her words before she shut him up by kissing him. When a horn came from behind them they jumped apart.

"Probably should get us home before I get decked by a road raging dickhead." He said with a laugh as his eyes carefully went back to the road. As he began to move the rest of the traffic did along with him. He felt her hand carefully trail down his arm before lacing their fingers. As she leaned into him, her head moved to rest along his shoulder. "Close your eyes Bluejay. We've still got a bit to go." He said as his thumb gently moved along hers.

"I'm alright Righty. Just comfortable." Gently he moved their hands before he kissed the back of her hand. "Yeah I'm fucking stupid." The comment was meant to be said under her breath but he heard it clearly.

"We both are Bluejay.... Me more than you." She shook her head. "It's the truth. I've been the stupid one that hasn't wanted to fuck shit up. I'm gonna be straight with you Anna. I'm absolutely fucking terrified that I'm gonna do something stupid. I just.... You're my best friend Bluejay...."

"And if I want to be more than that?" His hand squeezed hers gently.

"I want the same. I just...." She looked up at him and could see him biting the inside of his cheek.

"You're not going to lose me as a friend Nyles. No matter what happens. I promise you." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I promise you the same thing Anna. No matter what happens." Her head turned and her lips gently pressed to his shoulder. "You know Stuffy is doin' his fucking happy dance right now." Anna laughed as she nodded.

"You know he is." She said as she leaned back into him. "We're telling Kris first." He nodded. "Then I've got to tell Julia. I feel so fucking bad running away from her like that. I'm sure she got drilled by Toni and Jamie. Those two are too nosy for their own good." Nyles laughed lightly at her words.

"Kris talk to you too?" When Anna nodded he chuckled. "Oh she's gonna give us the Stuffy treatment."

"You know she is Righty. But who cares.... Honestly wish she would've talked some sense into me earlier...." His lips gently pressed to the top of her head.

"Same Bluejay. But honestly think the time we've known each other really makes all this easier." She lightly laughed as she nodded.

"Very true. I mean I know how to push your buttons...." He chuckled as his thumb ran along hers.

"But can also calm me down in two point five seconds." She nodded before she leaned up her lips pressing to his cheek. "Like we know just about everything about each other, good and bad. Know each others baggage already."

"We've basically had one foot in the door since we met. Just finally kicked it down." His lips pressed to hers for a quick moment. "Would you keep your eyes on the road...." She said as she pulled away causing him to laugh.

"You realize we're stopped and at your place right?" She turned slightly red before she looked in front of them and could see that they were in fact parked in front of her house. "Fuck you're cute...." He commented as he turned the car off. "Come on Bluejay. Let's get in and get comfy." He could see her eyes light up at the words. A smile appeared along his lips as they both got out of the car. He grabbed their bags as she went to unlock the door. When she opened it she was immediately bombarded by Navy.

"You left her out?" Anna asked Nyles as she corralled her dog while he walked in.

"I-.... Forgot?" She knew he was lying and had done it on purpose.

"If she got into my socks you're buying me new ones." He laughed at her words.

"She's moved on from that. If anything a pair of my boxers will be ripped up across my bed." She looked at him before he laughed. "What...? Navy's spent way too much time with me." She shook her head light laughter escaping her lips. Before she could say anything else his phone rang. He groaned as he pulled it out of his pocket. Nyles' eyes met Anna's. "It's Kris. Can I tell her?"

"Make her sweat first." He chuckled as he nodded  before he answered his phone. His face was expressionless as he looked at Kris on his screen.

"You alone or with Anna?" She asked him.

"Alone. She went to change." Kris' couldn't help her smile as she asked Nyles the question she had been dying to ask.

"So tell me.... How was the drive back?"

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now