Lack of Sleep

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When Anna and Julia heard a knock on their hotel room door they both exchanged a glance. The two had been quietly talking about their match the next night while snacking on goodies they had brought. Neither had expected a visitor that night. Julia was the one to move. When she answered the door she was greeted by an exhausted Nyles.

"Come on.... Don't even think I want to ask why you look like shit." She said as she move to the side. He gave her a grateful smile before walking in.

"Honestly y'all don't even want to know...." Before he could move to the couch in the room Anna caught his hand tugging him down onto her bed. They could both see him just about instantly melt into the mattress. "I was just gonna take the couch."

"She doesn't care Righty. But why the fuck do you look like death warmed over?" He groaned as his head turned so he could look over at Anna.

"My flight was cancelled, so last minute had to stop them from shipping my car back, mid getting it off the trailer fucking idiot tore the bumper completely off of it. Get the thing back on and halfway to here semi nearly takes me out, finally get to where it was nothing but me and the road and it was fucking midnight so I just kept driving. Wasn't stopping in the morning so I just kept driving, got here, got my room key and I don't even want to talk about what I saw when I walked in even though I slammed on that fucking door. So here I am." Anna smacked the back of his head before her fingers ran through his hair stopping any sort of protest.

"How fucking long have you been driving?" Julia asked.

"Cali to here. I honestly couldn't even tell you." He groaned.

"Get comfortable you idiot. She doesn't care but we're still talking." He nodded at Anna's words before they both saw him kick his shoes off. His body separated from the bed so he could slip his hoodie over his head leaving him in sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt. Nyles' lips pressed to Anna's for a brief moment before he tiredly sunk back into bed. As his face buried into the pillow her fingers moved to run through his hair. Within seconds he was asleep.

"How does he do that?" Anna laughed as they both heard him snore lightly.

"He's always been able to do it. He could fall asleep standing up if he was tired enough. I'm honestly surprised he made it all the way here without sleep." Julia took a gummy bear she was eating and threw it at Nyles hitting him in the cheek. "Oh he won't wake up. Trust me. Would take a lot more than that."

"Really?" Anna nodded. "I fucking wish." The blonde groaned.

"Its all fine and dandy until he falls asleep on you and then you can't move until he does." Julia laughed.

"That has to be fun." Anna couldn't help her smile as she laughed.

"It's not in the slightest. But at least he's warm." She said as she carefully leaned against him. A long sigh escaped his lips as she did.

"So how's it been with you both?" Julia asked before she could see a smile appear along Anna's lips.

"It's honestly been amazing. It's crazy how easy it's been between us." Julia couldn't help her laugh.

"That's what happens when you friend zone your soul mate for four years." Anna laughed a smile along her lips as she flicked off her friend. "You know it's true."

"It is. It's just honestly I thought it would be awkward, but it's the complete opposite." The blonde chuckled before a slight smirk appeared on her lips.

"So have you two...." Anna groaned as she shook her head.

"Not yet. We were so close after Tay's party but we were just too drunk." Julia bit back her laughter.

"You're trying to hard...." The brunette raised an eyebrow at her. "Your first fuck isn't going to be perfect we all know that. Honestly would say the drunker y'all are the better. Will take any bit of awkwardness out of it because you won't be thinking about it all. You know that no matter what you both are going to enjoy it. Who cares if you remember the small details. Only thing you're going to care about is if you're walking straight or not the next day."

"You're so fucking bad." Julia laughed at the words.

"Just trust me when I say don't overthink it. Just fuck him. You'll thank me later." Anna rolled her eyes as she laughed.

"Whatever you say. Now pass me the popcorn." Julia threw the bag towards Anna who completely missed it causing it to land directly on Nyles face.

"What the fuck...." He groaned as he turned getting the bag off of his face.

"I thought you said he wouldn't wake up...." Julia commented earning a glare from Nyles.

"Fucking hard not to when I get smacked in the head with...." He paused for a moment to see what the bag was. "Popcorn...." He looked at Anna knowing that she would've been the one to want it. "You really need to learn how to fucking catch."

"That was not my fault. Julia's throw was horrendous." His look said he didn't believe her in the slightest.

"It was not all me.... It was a mixture." Julia stated.

"Can we nicely pass shit next time?" Anna flicked his ear at his snide comment. "I just wanna sleep." He groaned before his face buried into the pillow. The brunettes face fell slightly before her hand moved to run gently along his back. A long sigh escaped his lips and his head turned. "Sorry... I'm just...."

"You're tired. We both get it. Not a big deal and I promise we won't throw anything else. She can't catch and I can't fucking throw." Julia said with a laugh before he nodded a small smile along his lips. When his eyes flicked towards Anna she flashed him a smile. "He looks like he wants a cuddle." The blondes words made them both laugh.

"Not yet. I'll trap her if I do that and piss her off." Anna couldn't help her laugh as she nodded. "See. I'm good though. Y'all chat. Ima just go back to sleep."

"Night Righty." Julia commented earning a tired wave from him. Anna carefully adjusted so she could gently hug him her lips pressing against his shoulder.

"Night bub." Anna could see a smile form along Nyles' lips before he quietly spoke.

"Night Bluejay."

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