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"Bluejay.... You alright?" Anna's head shook before she could see a concerned look appear on Nyles' face. "Whats...?" Before he could finish his question she was burying into him. His arms wrapped around her as his lips pressed to her temple. He knew she was supposed to be getting ready for a match so to have her in front of him was worrying. "What's going on Bluejay?" As he asked the question his eyes met Julia's. The blonde instantly signaled to him that she wasn't cleared for the match.

"Apparently I'm running a fucking fever and they won't let me wrestle tonight." She could feel his arms tighten around her at her frustrated words.

"You are burning up Anna...." He commented earning the smack to the side he got. "Well.... I'm still not cleared so would you like to go back to the hotel and chill?" Almost instantly she nodded. "We'll stop for some things before though...." She looked up at him her chin resting along his chest as she did. His eyes met hers and she could see a smile appear along his lips.

"My god you two are so fucking cute." Skye commented as she walked past them. A chuckle bubbled from his lips as Anna groaned and buried her face into his chest. "What up your ass?"

"Shes not feeling good." Nyles replied getting an instant look of regret from her.

"Oh shit I'm sorry.... Feel better Anna." Anna nodded before Skye quickly walked away. Anna looked up at him for a moment before he chuckled lightly.

"So back to what I was saying.... We'll need to stop so we can get you some meds, whatever you want to eat and maybe just maybe we'll get lucky and find some big ass teddy bear that you can cuddle." A laugh escaped her lips before she buried into him.

"Got you Righty. Don't need a teddy bear." He chuckled lightly before his lips met her temple again.

"Still can get you one." Her head shook. "Why not?"

"Because I just want you." His hand gently ran along her back.

"You've got me Bluejay. No need to worry about that." She nodded into his chest before he could feel her lips press against it. "Come on then." Another nod came from her. Once the two were at their car she turned to him. "Whats up?"

"Can I have your...?" She didn't even need to finish her sentence. Without any hesitation he pulled his hoodie over his head before handing it to her. "Thank you Righty."

"Course Bluejay. All you've gotta do is ask." She moved closer to him and gently pressed her lips to his cheek.

"I get you sick I'll take care of you so don't you dare complain." He chuckled lightly before his lips pressed to her temple.

"Would never complain Anna. All I care about right now is making you feel better." This time she couldn't help herself and her lips pressed against his. When she pulled away with a smile along her lips he lightly chuckled. "See.... No complaints. Just glad to see you smiling." He was instantly smashed into a tight hug.

"I'm so fucking lucky." She said into his chest earning the laugh she got from him.

"I'm the lucky one Bluejay. Trust me." When she looked up at him his lips pressed to hers. "Now let's go and have a chill night." Her lips met his cheek before they separated. He opened the car door for her and helped her in before getting into the drivers seat. Once they were on the road he could feel her lean into him. "If you want to sleep I'll quickly just run in and grab some things for later."

"Oh I'm coming in with you Righty. Gotta make sure your grab the right snacks." He chuckled lightly.

"I've known you how long Anna.... Think I know what snacks you like by now." Her eyes met his once he had parked the car at the store.

"Whats my favorite flavor of popcorn?" She challenged him. A laugh escaped his lips before they pressed to her cheek.

"When you're cramping it's caramel and cheddar. Right now though I'm going to say that if you'd want it, you'd want that m&m popcorn with chocolate on it." Her lips met his. "See Bluejay. I know you better than you think."

"Oh I know. But someone needs to stop you from buying the entire shelf of snacks because you can't decide what you want." She couldn't help but laugh as he did.

"Very fucking true Bluejay." The two exited the car before her hand found its way into his as they walked towards the store. "So what are you feeling Bluejay?" He questioned as he grabbed a basket.

"Honestly kinda just want some ginger ale. Don't know if my stomachs gonna handle much else." He nodded before his arm slipped around her his lips gently pressing to her temple.

"If anything else picks your fancy then just let me know Bluejay." She nodded as she leaned into him. "And if I grab somethin' that makes you queasy let me know too." He said before he could see her pick out the medicine she would need for the night.

"I will Righty." He squeezed her gently before they began the slow walk to the snack and drink sections. He grabbed her the drink she wanted before grabbing what he fancied. As they made their way towards the snacks he could see her eyeing something. Without any hesitation he grabbed a package of Oreos off the shelf. "How'd you know...?"

"Always seemed to be the thing you looked for when you're sick. No matter how queasy you are." She leaned up before her lips pressed to his cheek.

"You're so fucking cute. But you got one thing wrong...." His eyebrow raised as he looked at her. "Double stuffed not regular." A laugh left his lips as he exchanged the packaging.

"If you weren't sick I'd have so many jokes right now." She hit his stomach while he laughed before grabbing himself a few snacks.

"You're such an ass Righty." She said as they walked into the checkout lane. Nyles eyes met Anna's as a smile appeared along his lips before he replied.

"But I suckered you into making me your ass."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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