The Effects of Alcohol

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Anna's eyes shot open to the sound of a groan next to her. Her head turned her eyes meeting Nyles'.

"Anna do you have any...." Kris' words trailed off as she saw the sight of the two in her bed. Anna was buried beneath the covers while Nyles was on top of the covers. While she appeared like she had no clothes on he had no shirt on and scratches along his back. "I.... Wha... I wasn't here!" Kris said as she quickly shut the door leaving the room. Nyles groaned as his face buried into the pillow.

"You need to get a fucking shirt on." Anna said as she looked over at him.

"Stop screaming." She laughed and his hand moved to cover her mouth. She bit his finger causing his hand to instantly retreat. "Asshole." He commented before she shoved him away from her causing him to fall off of her bed. "Dickhead." He said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "The fuck happened last night?" He asked as his hand ran through his hair.

"I have no idea." She said as she sat up. "But I'm wearing your shirt...." He turned looking at her for a moment before his head fell into his hands. That's when she saw the scratch marks on his back. "Oh fuck...." He looked over his shoulder at her. That's when he saw the hickey she had along her shoulder.

"I-Y-You have a...." When their eyes met he pointed to her shoulder. That's when they started to piece it together in their minds. They had continued dancing and drinking until the club had closed. When it did the majority of the wrestlers went back to her house. While some opted to sleep, they along with others drank more. By the end of the night the two were basically holding each other up.

Nyles had intended to take Anna to her room but the second the door closed her lips were along his. Fortunately they had nothing but a steamy make out session where he had given her a hickey and she had gotten his shirt off leaving scratches along his back in the process. As the memory of the night before hit them they both stared at the other.

"I.... We...." Anna stuttered. "We need to talk about it." Nyles' eyes met hers for a moment before he turned. Carefully he got off the ground, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I-It was the alcohol wasn't it?" His voice cracked as he tried to come up with a reasoning. Their eyes met and for the first time neither one wanted to break the eye contact. Anna's mouth opened but before she could speak there was a knock at the bedroom door. Both of their heads flicked towards it before his eyes found their way back to hers. They both had the same look. Nyles quickly stood before going towards her closet.

"Back shelf on the left." She said quickly knowing what he was looking for. As he shut the closet door she went to open her bedroom door. "What do you want Kr...?" Her words stopped as her eyes met Tays. "What's up?" Her tone changed immediately.

"What were you doing?" Tay asked as a smirk appeared along her lips, her eyes looking over Anna. What the brunette didn't realize was that the shirt she was wearing had slipped down her shoulder exposing the large hickey she had from Nyles. Anna's eyes followed Tays before she turned bright red. That's when Nyles walked out of the closet. "No way." Tay was pulled into the room quickly before the door shut.

"Nothing happened and you can't tell a soul." The blonde pressed on the mark on Anna's shoulder causing her hand to get smacked away.

"That's not nothing." Tay said as she looked between the two of them. As her eyes met Nyles' she saw him start to go red. It was then that she knew it was best to drop it for the moment. "You both are lucky I saw how much you drank." She said before she went back towards the door. "I'd put some shorts on though Anna. Everyone's looking for you two." When Tay walked out of the room Anna let out a breath before turning towards Nyles. They both looked at each other for a moment before he cautiously offered her a pair of her shorts.

"I.... You might want to change out of that too." He said quietly as she noticed him completely avoiding eye contact.

"Nyles we still need to talk about it." She said cautiously before moving around him and into the closet. He sighed as he leaned against the frame of the door his eyes trained on the bed across the room.

"We were drunk. Did a stupid thing, do we really need to talk about it? Was nothing more than kissing." Anna was staring at her shirts as he spoke. She couldn't help but think he was lying but the last thing she wanted was to push him too far. He was her best friend, neither one of them wanted to ruin that fact.

"So we're just going to agree that nothing happened and move on from it?" She asked before she found a hoodie to go over his shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Yup." She exited her closet before looking at him. He was still avoiding direct eye contact.

"We move on from this you're not acting like a dickhead and being weird. They'll all catch on to that." He laughed before looking over at her.

"I'm sorry it's just.... You're like a fucking sister to me. Never fucking knew how much alcohol it would take for that to happen until last night." She looked at him before she started laughing.

"Tell me about it." Her lips quickly pressed to his cheek. "You're still the annoying brother I never wanted so let's just move on and get out of this room before people start thinking shit."

"Because they already aren't?" He said as she walked towards the door. Anna's words caused a laugh to slip from Nyles mouth.

"I'm sure they are but the longer we wait the more they'll think we did."

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