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(Y/N)'s POV
"Neuvillette!" I run towards the man in front of me. It was raining, a trial had ended. I had known Neuvillette for a while, and we knew each other quite well. He was leaning on the railing of a terrace. I hug him from behind and nuzzle my head on the crook of his neck. I peck his cheek and whisper: "Neuvillette, Neuvillette, don't cry." He slightly turns to look at me. "Hello, my beloved." "Hello." He turns his body to face me. I cup his cheek and wipe his tears away. "Oh, dear. Who made my beloved cry?" "It's just..." He sighs. "What will make my beloved feel better?" "(Y/N)..." "What is it, Mr. Monsieur Neuvillette?" He chuckles. "T'aime." I giggle. "Vraiment? "Oui." "Neuvillette..." "What is it?" "I want to marry you." "Huh?"

I get on one knee while holding his hands. "Please, do me the honor of becoming my husband, hm?" I let go of one of his hands and take out a small velvet box. "Will you?" His eyes widen. "Neuvillette." "Of course I will." I stand up and hug him. I kiss his forehead.

Neuvillette's POV
I smile and I move some hair covering his left eye. I notice it being a different color than his right eye. "Your eyes." "I'm a magical anime girl." He grins and chuckles. "I'm kidding, I got injured when I was younger. I was training with my dad back in Liyue, and my eye got slashed. It was nothing too bad, but I'm blind on that eye." "How come I never knew?" "Ah well I mean since I can't see I couldn't notice if there was hair covering it so my bangs just grew and covered it." "Hm, it's pretty." I plant a kiss on his eyelid. "I love you." "I love you, too, my precious dragon."


"Only one week left, how are you feeling?" "Very excited." I lay on my bed and he kneels on the floor and leans on my bed. "Is this okay?" "Of course, my love." He brings his face closer to me and pecks my cheek. "You know..." "What is it?" "We'll finally give each other our first kiss." My cheeks turn a light pink. "That's right." I smile and peck his nose. "I love you." "I love you, too." "Oh, I've got to go to work, Mr. Chief of Justice." "Goodbye, Mr. Officer." He grins and leaves.

It's four in the afternoon, and I'm walking out of my office. I hear some stumbling and heavy breathing. I walk towards the sound and a horrifying scene shows up before my eyes. Blood on the ground was left by the figure leaning on the wall. Smudged blood and handprints on the walls from the stumbling. "Neu-" He pants. My fiancé pants while leaning on the wall. "I- I wanted to- ngh! See you." He clutches his chest which had a bloody hole. "S-sorry about the mess." I can't move. I reach out to him just in time to catch him as he falls. I crouch down and pull him to my lap. "W-what happened, m-my love?" I can barely get words out. "I don't know." He weakly brings his hand to my cheek and chuckles. "I think I may have gotten a little scratch." Tears fall from my face. "Hey, Neuvillette." I hum. "Give me a kiss, I don't think I'll be able to m-" I kiss him. I pull away. "Do not say that, my love. We... we will get married." "Maybe in another life." More tears fall from my eyes as I feel his body go limp on my arms.

"Don't leave me." I mumble and peck his lips. "Please wake up, my love. P-please." I kiss him. "H-hey, hydro dragon... hydro dragon, don't cry." Those were his final words, he had used his final strength after coming all the way here to say those words.

A week goes by, a week of reaching out to people to tell them the wedding has been cancelled. A week in which Fontaine was covered in water that reached up to their ankles. A week with more thunder than Inazuma. I was informed of the murderer being taken to trial. Can I really do this? Can I really be impartial when that monster killed my beloved? I frown as I make my way to the courtroom. I hear people talking and the trial takes place. "The accused has been found... guilty." I don't really feel better. This really doesn't do anything. This doesn't bring (Y/N) back to life. What really is the purpose of all these trials? What do they even do?

I leave the courtroom and feel tears drip from my eyes. I look at the window and hear people chanting together: "hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't cry." I smile slightly and wipe my tears away. It's okay, he's better now. He's all better now.

(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up from a dream. Tears cover my eyes. "Neuvillette, Neuvillette, don't cry." Today's my fifteenth birthday and I had a dream of what might be my past lives.

Eight years had gone by, I turned 23. I was born with a different colored eye every life since my first. I walked into Fontaine and one day I climbed a roof. In every life I tried meeting Neuvillette, and this one wasn't any different. I climb a roof and see him from his window as he works. I feel water droplets fall onto my skin. I whisper: "Neuvillette, Neuvillette, don't cry." He turns around and sees me. "You're not meant to be here." I stand up and start running. Some officers spot me as I jump from one roof to another. After a while I get pinned down by some officers and I see Neuvillette look at me from his window, then turn back as if it was nothing, as if I was nothing.

It's fine, he doesn't remember me. It's fine, it's not like he stopped loving me... right? I've got no one who loves me in this life, huh? I'm not the one he used to love... I'm nothing but a useless human right now. I will never see him in this life. He will not remember me in this life, I am nothing but a measly human here. Still... I will care more about my selfishness this time. I don't care what he thinks of me, I want to hold him one last time... then I'll give up. A cryo vision appears and falls in front of my face. I feel tears fall from my eyes as I make ice peaks come out of the ground.


"You've been accused for the murder of three officers and injury of five other officers." "I take the accusation." I shrug as my supposed lawyer facepalms. "But I do not wish to be involved in a trial, I'd rather duel." "You do realize the chief of justice could see you, right?" "Left." I laugh. "The duel is in my rights, right?" "Right." "So if I'm right, what is left?" I snicker. I speak out loud. "I'll fight for my name, but there really is nothing much to fight for. No one will be affected by my death, I've got no one waiting at home in Mondstat. I've got no family and no friends, so I do have one wish before I head out for battle, Mr. Monsieur Neuvillette." I snicker. "What is it?" "I want a hug from you." "Is that your final wish before you go to duel?" I smile. "It is." "Alright then."

"We can't allow that." "You can't?" I chuckle as I realize what they mean. "Do I... pose a threat?" I laugh loudly. "I pose a threat to you? That is hilarious!" "Please calm down." "I don't carry any weapons, are you really that weak that I, with my bare hands, pose a threat to you?" "Mon-" "Fine. No hug then... back in the day, the police wasn't this pathetic."

Now it was time for my duel... in which I died...


Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now