Day sick

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Warning! Do not read if you don't have sex ed not want to learn about anything sex related

(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up and feel cold surrounding me. I shiver and nuzzle into my blanket. "Cold." I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I see Neuvillette enter. "Did I leave the door unlocked?" He nods and kneels besides the bed. "Are you feeling unwell?" "Just a bit cold." He presses his lips on my forehead. "You're hot." I smirk. "I know." He chuckles and caresses my cheek. "You know that's not what I mean." I groan and shiver. "Can you bring me another blanket?" "You have a fever, dear." I groan. "I will take those blankets, hm?" "No!" I whine and hold onto my blanket. "You're wearing too many layers, dear. We need to lower your temperature." "Not my blanky!" "Come on, dear." "Not my blanky." He sighs. "Fine then, will you please change into something else?" "I don't wanna stand up." "Come on, now, dear." "No." He pulls my blanket off and starts removing my shirt. I blush and stay quiet.

He picks me up bridal style as he removes my lower clothing, leaving me in my underpants. "I'll go get you some water and a wet cloth." I nod and wait for him to come back, rubbing my hands to form heat. He comes back with a glass of water and a wet cloth. He hands me the water and waits for me to finish drinking before setting the glass on the nightstand. "Lay down." I lay down and shiver when I feel the cold cloth make contact with my forehead. "Neuvilletteeeeee." I whine and he chuckles. "What is it?" "I'm cold." "It'll pass." "I want to cuddle." He hums. "Mm, if you let me take off your blankets." "Okay." He pulls off my blankets and lays on bed with me. I curl up while laying on my side and feel his arms slide to my abdomen. I place my hands over his. "You feel cozy." I feel his lips press against the back of my neck. "Let's make it official." "Huh?" I turn to look at him. "I love you." "I love you, too, dear."

"Will you, Neuvillette, do me the honor of allowing me to be your boyfriend?" He blushes yet says nothing. "I know it sounds stupid, we're centuries too old to be 'boyfriends', but... I want to b-" He kisses me. "Let's be boyfriends." He smiles and hugs me. I smile and place a kiss on his nose. "(Y/N)." "Hm?" "I'm officially following the second meaning of courting." I blush. "So you want to take my hand in marriage?" "I do." "An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand." I smile. "So you're willing to marry me." "Yes, I very much am. It's like you said, and I quote I would say yes to you one thousand times." I kiss him. "You remember that." I hold his hands and bring my body to make contact with his. "I remember it all, up to the last moment... to our kiss."

"I'm so happy you're back." I smile. "I'd live a thousand lives just to see you again." "Hopefully this one is enough." "I wish I could live forever. I'd miss the kids, but I just need you." "You can't live forever?" He looks at me, in his eyes is a horrified look. "Well, after what I'm gonna do with you I don't think celestia will take me in." I wink and he blushes but a frown is on his face. "Or maybe it will take me ever sooner after making the water sovereign so pleased." He blushes and looks away. "I guess we'll have to wait and see once we get married." I wink. "Huh, I guess I will be leaving your straw dry, whatever that means." I blush. "Do you really not know?" He shakes his head. "Shall I explain?" "If it's alright with you."


I look at his red face. "So basically, by placing a man's genitalia, in this case referred to as 'straw', on your mouth and sucking on it the man will ejaculate but it usually can only be done a certain amount of times because after a certain amount of times only a small quantity or nothing will come out." I nod smiling. "You understood fast." "That sounds awful." "Well, I wouldn't know." I shrug and I hear him mumble something. "Hm?" "You might someday." I blush. "I'll be waiting for that one." I smile and continue cuddling with him. My peace gets cut off by a comment, or question. A very embarrassing one.

"Considering biological reactions, after explaining such a thing it would be common for the person who explained to think of it under a sexual context and by end get an erection. You don't seem to show any signs of having one, is this your normal reaction to such thoughts? Am I wrong and this is the normal reaction for men to have? Under what circumstances is it normal for you to get an erection?" I blush and try to remain under a non-sexual perspective. "Well, I have never engaged in such activities, so I explained in a scientific perspective. I've learnt to do this after living so many lives. If you don't remember dear, I have not dated anyone. I have never engaged in such activities, not even by myself. The only times I've ejaculated were during my teenage years mostly and some during my adult years all during nighttime. Although that is quite embarrassing to say." "Is that healthy?" "Well, your body reabsorbs it if it doesn't come out, since I never practiced anything that would lead to it the time between each one is very long now. It happens around once a year. My ability to get erections is the same, if I think of something inappropriate I can get one as most people can. I assume that it'd be the same if I were to engage in sexual activities, but that is an unproven theory." "That would seem as a reasonable theory." I nod and continue cuddling him.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now