Catching up

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(Y/N)'s POV
I lay beside Neuvillette, we hug and stare into each other's eyes, and nothing else seemed to matter. "Dear." I hum. "What were you doing in Inazuma? You stayed there for quite a while." "I spoke with Miko, I was in the process of publishing a book before I left. I also wanted to get some stuff from my house and catch up with some friends." He nods. "I brought you a gift." "Thank you." "You don't want to know what it is?" "What is it?" "It's a secret." He smiles and shakes his head. "I love you." I peck his cheek. "I love you, too. So what's your book about?" "Ooo- no spoilers!" "Alright, what's the title?" "Bittersweet." (Self promoting for the day I finish that book). "That sounds cute." "You want to see the blueprint?" "Sure."

Michael, a writer, writes at a coffee shop when he suddenly hears a sweet voice.

I hate myself, and sometimes that leads me to think everyone else hates me, too.

"Do you like sweets?"

"I have a sweet tooth when it comes to you."

"We'd met before."

"All writers are liars."

"I like you exactly the way you are."
(Still self promoting.)

"All writers are liars?" "From the Latin mentīris, any deformation of the truth is considered a lie." "We are all liars." "We are all sinners." "You're a writer." "I'm a human." "You are a fox spirit." "I was a human." "You're my fiancé." "That doesn't forgive my sins." "I don't care." I smile and hug him. "Shall we kiss?" He grins. "Shall we?" I kiss him. His soft lips pressed against mine made the world disappear. "I want to be your fiancé again." "You'll be, soon." I grin. "How soon?" "Mm... I don't know, but soon." "Well, I've waited centuries, I'm sure I can wait some more." "Mhm." He nuzzles on my neck and I feel his lips on my skin. I chuckle. "I love you." He plants kisses on my neck. "I love you, too, dear."

We hug and steal kisses from each other. I look into his eyes. "I want you to meet my family." He blushes. "Family?" "Yes." "You have a family?" "I was raised as a slave so technically no, but I have some people at Inazuma that I'd like you to meet and consider family." "Then we'll go during my vacations, hm?" I smile. "Mhm." I peck his lips. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

"(-me)" Someone's calling me. I run towards the sound. "(-ame)" There's no one, but there's some door with a bright white light. "(Y/N)." It sounds like someone's in pain. "(Y/N), help." I run to the light. I know that voice. "(Y/N)." "Neuvillette."

I wake up. I smile as I see Neuvillette laying beside me. I frown as I notice his eyebrows furrowed. "(Y/N)." "Neuvillette." I whisper to his ear. "Are you having a nightmare, sweetheart?" "(Y/N)." I feel something press against my thigh. Oh.... Do I wake him up? A moan leaves his lips and I blush. What do I do? Please wake up please wake up please wake up. I feel the bulge in his pants against my crotch. Soft moans leave his lips. I guess I should probably let him be, he might need this. I'll tease him about this later. His breathing gets heavy and he grinds against me. I blush, a slightly louder moan leaves his lips and I feel something wet. His eyes flutter open and I pretend to be asleep.

I feel him nuzzle on my neck and groan. "(Y/N)." He whispers. "(Y/N), wake up." I open my eyes slowly. "(Y/N), I think there's a leak on the roof." I look up to the roof and then down. "Yeah... no, I don't think it's the roof." I pick him up. "Then what could i-" I smile and carry him to the bathroom. "You should wash up, sadly no matter how well you wash, those dirty thoughts from your dream will remain." He blushes and I chuckle. "Shall I spare you from my teasing this time?" "Yes, please." "Mmm, okey, but we're gonna make out in the bath." He smiles. "Don't threaten me with a good time." I chuckle and place him on the furniture where the washbasin is (idfk). I run the bath and go throw the bedsheets in the washing machine.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now