Lemon caramel (AU)

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Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV
I smell the sweet smell of caramel and see the bubbles being formed pop. I hear the bell chyme and turn to look at the door. "Hello?" I look up from the pot and lower the flame. I leave the kitchen and go to the counter. "Good afternoon!" "Good afternoon." I smile. "What may I help you with today?" The man stays quiet. "Is that lemon caramel?" "Yes, would you like some?" He looks up to me and we make eye contact. "Yes, please." "It's still in process, you can come in if you'd like." He nods and I go into the kitchen. "Welcome." I continue stirring the caramel to avoid too many bubbles. "I'll make some bread so you can take it with the caramel." I prepare some dough while keeping an eye on the caramel.

I dip a spoon in the caramel and place the spoon in a bowl with cold water. "There we go." I turn off the fire and wait for it to cool, while waiting I do small balls with the dough and put batches in the oven. "Do you want a filling in your bread? I can put something in some." The man smiles. "Sure." "Alrighty, what flavor?" "What flavors are there?" "Chocolate, Nutella, cookies and cream, strawberry, strawberries with crea-" "Strawberries with cream." I grin. "Okey dokey!" I prepare the filling and hear the oven ding. I open it and take out the trays. I pour the caramel into a jar and close it. I go take a box and blade the jar and some of the breads. I sit in the counter while waiting for the other tray to cool. The man looks at me oddly and I realize why. "This is my sitting counter, I don't place any food on here." He nods.

His phone rings and he leaves the kitchen. I start filling the now cool breads with the filling I prepared and flavor them in the box in a flower shape. I grab a sheet of paper with different uses for the caramel and a note on its period of consumption. It doesn't really get bad, it just starts crystallizing and looses its smooth texture, gaining a honey like one. When he comes back I hand the box to him. "Here it is, sorry for the wait." "Thank you, how much is it?" "Today's on the house, please come back." I grin and we walk out the kitchen. "Are you sure?" "Yes! Thank you for coming!" He smiles and nods. "Thank you."


I hear the bell chyme. "Good morning, Neuvillette." "Good morning, (Y/N)." "What may I help you with today?" "I ran out of caramel." "Did Ms. Furina eat it again?" He nods and sighs. I giggle. "Come in." He follows me to the kitchen and sits on my sitting counter while I start preparing the caramel. "(Y/N)." I turn to look at him. "I actually need something else if you don't mind." "What is it?" "I really really need to take you on a date." I look at him. "Take me on a date, then." I smile and stir the melting sugar. "Thank you." "What do you mean thank you? It's 50 bucks." I chuckle and turn to him. "Not on the house?" I smile. "Mmm, fine. Instead I'll take you paying for the date." I wink and take his hand. "When is our date, then?" He hums. "Saturday night?" "Sure." I smile. "Furina is gonna call you in four seconds." He chuckles and we count to four.

His phone rings and he takes the call and leaves the kitchen. While he takes the call I prepare the well known paper that goes with the caramel, yet add a little thing on the bottom. I tie the paper to the jar and hand it to him when he comes back.

Neuvillette's POV
I take the jar and pay. I go to my car and drive to my house. I sit on my bed and stare at the jar. I notice an unusual red stain on the rice paper with uses for the caramel. I look at it and smile. I read the small note underneath.

Don't worry, this is also edible. I'm not trying to kill you, please don't sue me.
On another note...
Indirect kiss (/ω)???

(Y/N)'s POV
I hear a buzz and pick up my phone. "Neuvillette." I chuckle. "Picture?" I open it. I flush red. He holds the rice paper for the caramel between his fingers, his lips grazing the paper. Gosh why would he do this to me?

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