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Yesterday I went to a skating rink
There was this guy that looked super nice (as in friendly, I mean he looked cool but in this case I meant friendly)
And I was trying to gain courage to speak to him
I fucking crashed with him
He was playing tag with a girl I think and I like feeling the air when I skate so we both were going fast
So neither got to stop
So I just kinda tried to soften the hit with my hands
Which is normal because he did the same
But we ended up falling
And he fell on top of me
I just turned around to grab my glasses and stand up
We both said "sorry"
Which was also embarrassing since we both spoke Spanish as our mother tongue
And that just go me more embarrassed so in the end I didn't get the courage to speak to him

The good part is I'm only here to visit my aunt so I likely won't ever have to face the embarrassment of facing him

But the bad part is I totally wanted to speak to him and I likely won't ever get the chance to do so ;-;

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