Wedding plans

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(Y/N)'s POV
I cuddle with Neuvillette. "Hey." "Hm?" "When should our wedding be?" He hums. "Winter, I like winter for a wedding." I hum and nod. "Winter... I love winter." "More than me?" I chuckle and shake my head. "That's impossible." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Good." "December fifth?" "Sure." "Big or small?" "Maybe something with close friends." "Alright." "For music, I'm thinking Perfect by Ajax." He laughs like laughs as in wheezing laugh. I smile and kiss his cheek. He smiles. "What was that for?" "I am so in love with you." "I would hope so, we're getting married." "Love you." "Love you, too." I kiss his lips. "We should make an appointment with a planner for the ceremony." I nod. "Right, music and stuff." He hums. "So..." "So?" I slide my hand down his back. "Wanna make love?" His face flushes. "Sure." We both laugh and I kiss his cheekbone. "My sweet fiancé. I love you." I peck his lips. "I know." I gasp and dramatically put my hand on my chest. "How dare you?" "I mean, I know you love me. Pretty obvious." I lift my eyebrows. "I see how it is, then. I guess my fiancé doesn't love me." "Well I guess you don't know I love you the same way I know you do." "Oh shut up." He kisses me. He cups my face and his tongue slides into my mouth. I look at him as he kisses me and he notices. He pulls away. "I did shut up, so why the glare?" "Say it." "I love you, too." "I know." I giggle and kiss his lips. "You're adorable." He pecks my lips and we continue cuddling.


"So, are you free on December fifth of next year?" "I don't know." "I'll take that as a yes, save the date, Furina." A small smile forms on her lips. "Alright." I hug her and leave to Neuvillette's office. "Morning Cornelia!" I smile as I see the lady. "Morning, Monsieur (Y/N)." "There's no need for you to be so formal with me, I'm merely a writer. I should be the one who should be more formal instead. Just (Y/N) is fine, Ms. Cornelia." "Oh, I could never be so informal with someone as important as you." "I'm not really important, though. Anyway, did Neuvillette tell you?" "What?" "Next December?" "Oh... OH! Yes, he did tell me! I almost forgot. I'm so grateful that you thought of inviting me." "How could we not?" She smiles. "Oh, you came to see Monsieur Neuvillette, I shouldn't distract you much." I nod and walk to his office. I enter and he looks up from his desk.

"Busy?" "Never for you." "Aww, you're the best." I  walk to him and sit on his lap. "What're you working on?" He smiles. "Wedding." "Oooh, eager aren't you?" "I am." I chuckle. "I am, too." I feel his lips on my neck. "You are cute as fuck." "Language." I smile. "Want me to say it in French?" He smiles. "I want to kiss you." "Then kiss me." "Should I head home now?" "You should work." "I finished an hour ago." "Then let's go home."


——————————— 🚫♠️
I feel weight on me as I wake up. "Is this what I'll wake up to when we marry?" I open my eyes and see Neuvillette straddling me. "If you always look kissable then yes." I place my hands on his thighs. "The fact you wear chaps doesn't actually make you a cowboy so you don't need to straddle me." "Do you dislike it?" "Kiss me." He leans down to kiss me. I move my hands to his ✨derrière. (I never know what to call it.) "Are we gonna do... that?" "You're adorable. Yes, we will be doing some stuff." I slide my hands up under his shirt and pull it off as we pull away from the kiss. We go back to kissing. I pull away and start kissing his jaw. I unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. "Can I leave marks?" "You don't need to ask, dear." I smile and kiss his neck. I bite and suck his skin.

I take off his remaining clothes and look at him. "You're hard." "You are the same." I chuckle and flip us. "I am and you're fully responsible for that." "Good." He kisses my neck. "I wanna bite you." "You can do it." "Really?" "Yes." I smile and start biting him. "Does it hurt?" "It's okay." I move down and hold his ✨schlong✨. (I'm generally bad at writing smut sorry)

I hold it close to my face. "I can feel your heartbeat." "On my penis." I smile. "I can feel the blood pulsating through your veins." "I have mixed feelin- ngh!" I take it into my mouth. "(Y/N)!" I feel his legs wrap around my neck and pull me to him. I gag as he hits my throat and blush. "S-sorry!" I swirl my tongue around his shaft. I release him and flip him so his back is facing up. I place a hand on each of his cheeks and spread them. "(Y/N)?" "We need to get lubricant. I'll go to Inazuma in a month I should get some. Meanwhile I hope this is fine." "(Y/N)." He stutters and he tries to grab my hand. "Oh you wanna hold it for me? That's actually really helpful cause I want to touch you in front, too." I grab his hand and guide it to where my hand was.

I move my free hand to his length (massive length) and starts moving it as I lick his hole. "H-hey!" I suck and lick until my tongue enters him. He moans. "W-wait, dear! I'm going to cum!" "Thaz tha hole doint." "(Y/N)!" He moans and I feel him clench around my tongue. I let go of him and flip him again. I look at the milk-ish fluid on his chest and his flushed cheeks. "Seeing you like this really makes me want to fuck you." I lower my head and lick his seed off his chest. I move my hand to his hole and push my middle finger in and curl it. He moans loudly. "Sweet revenge." "Shut it." "Make me." I continue fingering him. "You're enjoying this?" He nods with tears on his eyes. "(Y/N)~ w-wait!" He pants. "Please put it in." I blush and look down at the bulge in my pants. I look at him and shake my head. "I can't, I can't." "Please? I need you. Your pants are so tight around it." "Don't tempt me, Neuvi." His hand moves to my crotch and he starts rubbing it. "Neuvi!" "I want it. I want you." He unzips my pants and pulls them down along with my underwear. "You're so hard." I pull his hand away and pin him down.

"I'm not stupid, Neuvillette." He smirks. "I know you were trying to distract me." He chuckles. "Ah, well you're a police after all." "Exactly, so I will continue making a mess out of you and I will not be shutting up." "You're such a turn on- mrgh!" "That's great because we're spending centuries together. Although..." He moans loudly. "If you're so embarrassed by your moans, you should probably keep your mouth shut." "You are so mean." "I'm not mean, you just moan a lot when you open your mouth. Personally I love your moans, but you seem embarrassed." He doesn't say anything else.

I look at him and see him gripping the sheets and his eye twitches. I giggle. "You're adorable." He whimpers and cums. "You're so cute." I sigh and stand up. "I'll clean you up, wait here." I close my pants. I walk to the bathroom and grab a tissue. I go back and clean his release off of his skin. "Let's sleep." He hums and we cuddle.


I wake up cuddling with Neuvillette. "You awake?" "No." "Dang, I was gonna offer to go swimming." "I'm up." I giggle and stand up. "Go shower, I'll make breakfast." He nods and kisses my cheek.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now