Times have changed

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Short chapter?

(Y/N)'s POV
I hug Neuvillette. "You're stressed, dear." "Kiara got threatened in a letter." "Well, what's it worth being stressed? Let's do something about it, hm?" I smile and hold his hand. "Let's keep her safe." He leaves to go to his office.

"Morning, Carole!" "Good morning!" "Is Vautrin not accompanying you today?" "Nope, I'm working alone today!" "You're such a hard worker, Carole. Let me offer you dinner soon." "Alright!"

"Carole... I'm sorry, Monsieur Neuvillette, I should've protected her from this situation. I apologize to you, too, Mr. Vautrin." I bow.

"Is this what justice means to you?! Answer me, Neuvillette!"

"Welcome to the fortress of Meropide, I apologize for this once again." "People will be certain of Monsieur Neuvillette's impartiality and fairness this way." "You're quite the actor, Vautrin. I take it that you'll be a great inmate here."

I sigh. "It was my job.... I'm a failure. I owe you dinner, Carole."

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I hum. "Can you take care of this for me?" Carole hands me her medal of peace. "Why are you giving me this?" "I'm going to a place with a lot of dirt and I'm scared I will damage it. You can give it back when we meet for dinner." "Alright, I'll take good care of it. See you later, Carole."

"To think you'd leave me in charge of such an important thing. As if you planned to sacrifice yourself since the beginning."

I take a small box from the drawer in my nightstand. "I've still got it, Carole. Four hundred years have gone by. What should I ever do with something like this? People thought it left this world with you, of course no one would've thought you had it all planned since the beginning. I should've realized... it's all my fault."


Neuvillette's POV
I walk back to (Y/N)'s house. It seems the people are more open now, and have grown fond of the Melusines... I wonder if it could be the same with me. I enter the house. I wonder if I could let them know of him an- My thoughts get cut off. The air was tense, it was cold. Frost on the walls, fog coming out of my mouth. My heart beats faster. "It's all my fault." I peek from the door. "It's my fault it's all my fault my fault my fault." He was curled up on the bed. "I hate it, I hate it, I hate me." He tugs the hair on his eyebrows. "I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself." He scratched his eyebrow. "I should've known... I should've known." His breathing was heavy, it sounded desperate. "She could be alive." Tears dripped from his eye, and the room got colder. "If I had realized she could be alive." He slides his hand over his head as if to fix his hair. "It was my job, I had to keep her safe." He fingers tangle on his hair and he pulls it. "She should be alive." His hand slid to his cheek and he scratched it. I should be stopping this... I can't move. "I should be dead." His other hand moved to his left 'eye'. "I should be the one who's dead." On his fingers were hairs tangled that he'd pulled. "I don't deserve to live. I should've died." His hands and face were covered in a thin layer of ice. "I should've died that day, I deserve to be dead!" His nails dig into his eyelid. I clench my fist. I need to do something.

I run to him. "Dear, please don't harm yourself." He looks up to me, and the look he gives me hurts. He looks so desperate, like he wants to stop so bad and just can't. I look at his cheeks, those cheeks that usually look soft and make the world feel happier, they're now stained with tears and scratches. I take hold of his wrists and bring them away from him. "Please, don't harm yourself my love, harm me instead. It's alright." His eyes drip with even more tears as he shakes his head. I look at his lips, he was biting them so hard that blood sipped from them. His lips part. "I'm sorry." His voice breaks. "I can't hurt you... I-" The words stuck to his throat. "I deserve this." I shake my head. "You don't. I love you and I don't want to see you hurt." He shakes his head as if trying to get his own thoughts out. He then looks at me, his single eye looked between dead and suffering. "This is my punishment." The look he gives me as he bites his lip, scratches his face until a clear liquid cover his wounds, pinches the edge of his lip until skin is cut, made me realize how powerless I am before the current situation. He will not hurt me, not willingly, but he has no control over what he's doing to himself. I grab both of his hands with one hand and pin them to the headboard.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now