Mr. President (AU)

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I'm already doing the archon quest, but since either don't want to do commissions it might take a bit. I decided to do the archon quest in the end but I haven't finished yet.
Finished, I'll give you a while to do it so there won't be any spoilers. Meanwhile I'll post some more AU's

F slur warning btw

(Y/N)'s POV
"Good morning, class." Everyone sighs as the teacher stands with the class president beside him. "Good morning, class." He says slowly and everyone dryly says. "Good morning, teacher." "Great, now, the class president will give an announcement." He goes to his desk and the president moves front. "Good morning, as some of you may know, we will be holding a sports day in two weeks." I groan and slam my head on the table. I look at him again yet keep my chin on the table. "Those of you who're in a representative sports team, you will be playing matches. Those who are not," he looks at me. "Will be participating in a team rally." I scrunch my nose and a slight smile forms on his lips. "There will be a winning class. That's all, thank you." He goes to his seat.

"Are you in any representative team, Mr. President?" He shakes his head. "Do you enjoy running, Mr. President?" "It does not bother me." "Good for you. I am bothered by running, Mr. President." "You should start practicing then. It'd be upsetting if we lost because someone dislikes running." I lift my eyebrows. Bitch. "That sounded rude... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in an offensive way. If you'd like we could practice together. I could use some practice." I smile. "Sure, Mr. President." Some classes go by and the bell rings. "Freedom!" I pick up my bag.

"Wait a second." I look at Neuvillette. "Let's go to the running track." "Alright, Mr. President." We walk side by side to the field. "Let me get changed first, Mr. President." We go to locker room and put on our sport uniform. I look at myself in the mirror and pull down the shorts. "When we asked for there to only be one uniform for both sexes we meant for girl to get longer shorts so they don't have to keep fixing it, not for us to have to show half our butt." I sigh. "My underwear is longer than this." I notice Neuvillette in the mirror changing his shirt. I eye him. My eyes scan him up and down. "Yours at least touch your thigh, I don't know what the fuck is this." I scrunch my nose. "You look good in that uniform, Mr. President." I grab my bottle of water and leave the room.

Neuvillette's POV
My cheeks tint pink. "Is that (Y/N)?" I notice some people on some benches. "Yes." "Damn, he's kind of cute." "Ew, what?" "Why ew?" "Haven't you heard?" "Heard what?" "I've heard he's gay." "Oh... wow, ew. Let's pretend I didn't say he's cute." I notice him looking at me. "Are you coming, Mr. President!" I nod and walk to him. "Let warm up." "Alright."

After our warm up he dramatically throws himself to the floor. "I can't do this anymore. I'm dead!" He rolls around until a small brown bug comes to view. "Oh my fucking god is that a cockroach!" "Language!" "Holy shit it's coming for me!" He takes off running. "Why is it following me!" He gets to around half of the track when suddenly. "IT'S FLYING IT'S FUCKING FLYING!" He runs faster and then after some laps he runs into the locker room. I follow after him and see him panting on the ground. "Is it gone?" "I don't know." "Fuck. Holy shit. My legs are dead." I crouch down and offer him water. "Thanks." He drinks from my water and I hear some steps getting closer.

"Hey, don't go in. (Y/N)'s there." "Ugh. Why is he there? he probably doesn't even do sports." "I bet the only thing he does is masturbate to gay porn or some weird shit." "Let's leave, we wouldn't want to get that disease." I look at him and he just blinks while staring at the ceiling. "Thanks for the water." He hands me the bottle. "I will get going now." "Didn't you hear what those people said?" "Mm, no!" I see a paper slide under the door. He picks it and his eyes glide over it. He smiles and folds it, then puts it in the bottle pocket of his backpack. "Thank you for your kind message! Forcio!" Strength? He leaves the room, the folded paper falling out of his backpack. I pick it up and unfold it.

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