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(Y/N)'s POV
Earlier, Neuvillette had mentioned he'd be handling a trial, so I decided to take this time to go greet Lyney. I knock on the door and a blonde guy opens it. I later learnt that this guy is Freminet, one of Lyney's siblings and the other one, which I'd met before is Lynette. I got to know them better. Lynette didn't seem to speak much, but that's probably because Lyney kept cutting her off. Freminet, he's cute. He looks like a little porcelain doll, it matches his personality. He seems to be nervous all the time, and Lyney and Lynette care much about him. Lyney looked so happy when he smiled as we spoke. He doesn't smile much so I assume he liked me at least a bit. He's really awesome, but he lacks confidence.

I continue thinking as I walk to the court room. I come in. "If you have been wronged, we will find the truth... but the rules of the court must be upheld." A guy was laying on the ground with some mekas which I assume he damaged. Neuvillette walks away and I notice him wipe what I presume is blood from his face. Blood... blood on his face. I feel my heart beat faster as I bite my bottom lip. He has a status to hold, he needs to present himself as someone who is meant to be respected... I can't go to him here. Then again, people seem to be confused and are questioning Furina. She must be stressed, what do I do? Who do I help? Can I even help? I'm no one, I'm not important here. He turns to look at me. I smile and wave. People start leaving and I walk upfront.

"Follow me." I jump up to the stage and walk to the right to a small space with some couches. I use my attack, a giant fox appears. Usually the fox would jump up and down the shock from its landing harming any enemies yet healing any injuries from my companions. In this case, the fox jumps carefully and lands gracefully. Neuvillette's cut fades away.

Neuvillette's POV
He uses his vision, I notice some sort of tails appear behind him. I hold his hand and pull him to sit with me. "Would your tails represent age of your soul or age of your life?" He grins. "Make a guess." I smile as he places his head on my shoulder. "We should go eat together tomorrow." He smiles. "Are you asking me out?" "Make a guess." He smirks. "I'll take that as a yes." His smirk turns into a frown as he turns my face to the side and holds my chin. "How dare he? My poor Neuvillette." He rubs my cheek with his thumb and places a kiss where the cut was. "How dare someone do that to your pretty face." He grumbles.

I chuckle and whisper to his ear. "(Y/N)." He hums, though it was more of a squeak then a hum. "I'll be courting you." I back away and notice his flustered state. "Court..." "I believe you know what I mean." "Y-you... I believe we have different understandings of what courting means." "Court, I believe there are two meanings of the word that you could have understood from the context in which I said it. One is to try to please someone because you want them to join you, I meant to use it in this way. If you don't understand I'll make it clearer. I want to you to join me in a romantic relationship, but to make sure of that I will be taking you out before actually asking you." "Neu-" "The other meaning is to have a romantic relationship with someone that you hope to marry. This might also happen if what I meant goes as I expect. So either meaning is pretty much correct." I notice him covering his face with his hand. I pull it away and intertwine our finger.

"Since when are you this bold?" "Oh? Have we met before?" He looks away. "No." I chuckle. "I'll take my leave." I stand up to walk away and give him one last look before leaving. On his face there's a playful grin as he winks. My cheeks tint a light pink and I try to calm down before leaving the room.

Timeskip (I don't wanna write the whole Navia dead dad scene but it might be important gonna make some changes)

"I do need some pointers on human emotions. I've questioned what the purpose of the trials is... many years ago I was gonna get married, a week before the wedding my partner died. I had to be the judge during the trial of the murderer. He was found guilty and taken to jail, but what really is the purpose of a trial? My partner didn't magically rise from the death. I didn't feel any better." "You... were to get married?" "Yes, it was quite a long time ago, those days were sad days, it rained for weeks. The city was flooded, water would reach up your ankles. I had to call so many people to tell them that there would be no wedding, explain that my beloved had been stabbed. With his remaining strength he came to my office, he left a trail of blood and in his last moments he only cared about me. He wasn't worried about how he was dying, but of how I'd feel." She looks at me shocked. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." "It's alright, it was a long time ago, before his death he said that he'd come back to me in another life. I believe him, but he said I needn't wait for him, although I would've loved to meet him again there is someone else now." We continue speaking and after a while I leave.

I head to my office and see a note.

If you wish to go through courtship, I'll be expecting some fish like Violetgold Angler Gulls.


I chuckle and hear the door close. I turn around and see (Y/N) with flares on his neck and arms. I smile as he catwalks to me. He purposely moves his hips exaggeratedly as he walks. He puffs his chest out and waves the flares around. I chuckle as he extends his arms forward, leaning his head down and spins. He stops as he sits on my desk. "Did you fall for my seductive courting?" He says in a jokingly flirty manner. I play along and bring my face close to his as I hold the back of his head with my hand. "How could one not with such an enticing courtship? You really pulled out the forbidden steps." He breaks into laughter and I follow.

"You're crazy." I smile and he hugs me. "Okay, but if I was a bird I bet every bird would be fawning over me after my awesome dance." I hold his chin so he's looking at me. "Aw, but i kind of like it better like this. After all... I'd much rather have you to myself." He blushes and tries to look away. "Shall I walk you home?" "Alright." He smiles softly as I let go of his face and we leave.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now