Day off

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So this chapter and next will be following each other. Meaning they are cause and consequence until I do a chapter on his story quest cause I'm too lazy. Btw sorry if any of you are ace or just generally feel uncomfy with sex, but there will be smut at some point in the story because of an idea I got from a video. All the intimate kissing and stuff is just to slowly bring the environment in. Also, I'm sorry but I can see Neuvillette as both top and bottom so this will be a constant switch fic. You can just skip any scenes you don't feel comfortable reading, I guess they aren't THAT important to the story. I'm not sure if I should mark it as mature since I'm only planning for one chapter to be smut.

(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up and feel warmth surrounding me. I smile and open my eyes seeing Neuvillette besides me. Oh my archon! We slept together! He looks so cute sleeping. I press a small peck on his nose and cuddle him. He moans and his eyes open slightly. "Let's sleep some more, my beloved." "Alright, sweetheart." He closes his eyes again and I decide to steal a peck from him. I look at his calm expression and quickly peck his lips. He opens an eye and before I know it he pins me down. I let a high pitched scream or squeal and smile. "I see you're wide awake, Mr. (Y/N)." I chuckle and peck his lips again. He pulls me for a passionate kiss. I shoot him a look, I don't really know what kind of look it is, but he understand what I mean when I look at him like that. "It's too early in the morning, let's continue this later." The look becomes more intense as I lift my arms to wrap around his neck and he grabs both my wrists with one hand and pushes them back to bed.

My eyes widen and I flush red. "I was going in for a hug, but I'm okay with this, too." I say teasingly. "This is not what I was trying to do." His cheeks are slightly pink. "I'll stop teasing you now, hm?" "Mhm." He lets go of my wrists and I pull him for a hug. "I love you, my sweet dragon." I peck his cheek. "Let's sleep some more."


My eyes flutter open. I should make breakfast. I stand up carefully. "Mm." I feel Neuvillette's arms around my neck. I chuckle. I pick him up and carry him while covering him with a blanket. Yes, I am indeed carrying a 6ft tall man. (Wait a second... 6 feet tall and super strong, we'd always get along!) I head to the kitchen and cook his favorite food. (Let's pretend it's not water.) I set him in a chair carefully and tap his shoulder as I sit on the table. "Food's ready." His eyes flutter open and he looks at me up and down. "Food?" "Mh- oop!" He pushes me to lay on the table. "Don't mind if I do." He leaves pecks all over my face. "Oh dear." I flush red trying to process what's happening. "N-Neuvillette!" "Shh, I'm hungry, food doesn't speak." He pecks my lips and trails kisses down my jaw and neck.

"Oh dear." I look down to see him while he starts nibbling on the skin on my neck. "H-hey! Your food will get cold, dear." I cover my mouth when he nibbles a particular spot. "I Can lend you my blanket if you're cold." He continues nibbling on that spot. "I-" I bite my lower lip when he starts sucking on that spot. I calm down and try to ignore it. "I made your favorite." "Nuh-uh." "What do you mean 'nuh-uh'?" "Your parents made my favorite." "Awww, that's so cute." He chuckles and at last releases my neck. "So, where's the snack?" "Snack?" "Yes, because you are a whole meal." I laugh at the cringy pick up line. "Who taught you that one, Furina or Lyney? Wait... Lyney actually knows how to do those, I'm guessing it was Furina." He nods as he go back to sitting.

"Welp, I'm never sitting on the table again." He frowns. "But I like it when you sit on the table to accompany me." I sit on his lap. "But I've got a better place to sit now. Wink wink." He chuckles. "You've got the whole bakery there." I blush and then notice some flash cards on his hands. "Please get rid of those, Furina sucks at making pick up lines." He frowns. "But there are some good ones. Like this one, 'If you love me I'd go diving with you every morning.'" I flush red. "Do you even know what that means‽" "To go swim every day to spend time together." "That is NOT what that means!" "Then what about "My mouth went dry when you walked by. Could I have your water?"" I feel some blood leave my nose. "What does that mean?" "That you make me feel alive." "That is not what that means." "You are like a cool glass of refreshing water and I'm the thirstiest man in the world." "Well, I guess that one isn't as bad." "Because I want to leave your straw dry." "Never say that again!" I catch the blood with my hands.

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now