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Neuvillette's POV
I rest on bed when I hear a knock on the door. Unlike the other times there is someone when I open. The messenger, whose face was covered by a mask, hands me the envelope, his hand slightly grazing mine as he does. The messenger stays there even after handing me the envelope which was odd, but I just wanted to see the letter. The past wound had become two dots on my collarbone and I was eager to see my beloved again.

Chief Justice, Neuvillette
It is with my most sincere grief to inform you that as I write this letter I do not know of (Y/N)'s whereabouts. Yet I know he'd like for this letter to reach you although it is unfinished.

My apologies,
Yae Miko

I look at the letter in disbelief as I take the other sheet and move it to the front.

My sweet Neuvillette,
It's recently been stormy in Inazuma. It is common for there to be thunder and rain, but the water seems distressed. The waves are high and angry, it might be something seasonal. Either way I will soon be leaving this place, although throughout the years I've come to be fond of such a solitary place and the cold feeling of loneliness has been replaced by the warmth of what I, with time, got to call my home, nothing beats the warmth of your touch. I believe I should be there soon. I warn you that I'll throw myself to your arms once we close the door. Sadly I can't hug you in public, but I will still be stealing grazes from your hand until I can hug you. I'm to sure if the mark is gone already, so I apologize if it is. Still, expect my return soon, and: Neuvillette, Neuvillette

"Excuse me, sir." I look up to the messenger. "The Guuji told me to give you this." He hands me something wrapped in paper, his finger slightly touching mine. I open it and see (h/c) hair. I hear the door close. I look up and see the messenger throw himself to me, a hood he had fell from his head and ears popped out, his mask fell and his face showed, except for his left eye which was covered by an eyepatch. "I'm back!" I hug him. "You're back." I whisper as tears form on my eyes. "I missed you so much." He smiles. "I'm sorry." "And that letter, I thought something bad happened." He cups my cheek and caresses it with his thumb. "I'm sorry, it was Miko's idea." He nuzzles his face on my neck. "And what happened to your bangs?" "Oh, that's actually a pretty funny story. They got tangled with a grille and I had to cut them." I chuckle. "It's gonna suck growing them into my hair, right now the remains are held back with a bobby pin." He points to the bobby pin on his hair.

"I'm sorry for the scare." I smile. "It's alright as long as you're back." He grins. "I'll always be back, sweetheart." He pecks my lips and picks me up. "You'll hurt your back." "Shh." He carries me to my room and sets me on the bed. "We missed many hours that could've been spent cuddling." He smiles and lays down beside me. "I love you dear." "I love you, too, sweetheart." He pulls the neck of my shirt down slightly. "I got here just in time." He smiles and plants a kiss on the fading wound. He looks at me and we make eye contact. Then slowly, almost teasingly, he presses his lips against mine. "You look stunning, sweetheart." We kiss, his lips pressed against mine, his tongue caressing mine.

(Y/N)'s POV
A light whimper leaves his lips, as if it was our first time kissing, and it drives me crazy. "Are we really doing this right now?" "Yes." "Alright." I plant kisses on his neck and a soft moan escapes his lips. We both flush red. "What an alluring sound left your lips." He turns even redder. "I wonder if by continuing this I'll hear that beautiful melody leave your lips." "I do not wish to make such embarrassing sounds in front of you." "If not of me, in front of who will you make such sounds?" I grin as he wraps his arms around my neck. I kiss all over his neck and strip him to his underpants. He claws at my back, digging his nails into my skin in such an erotic manner. I take off my clothes, only keeping my pants and underpants on, but before I can do anything else he flips us.

He smiles, both of our faces flushed. He moves down so his face is near my crotch area. I blush. "What are you doing?" He smiles and I cover my face with the back of my hand. "You have an erection." I look away embarrassed. "I want to help you." "I don't think you being that close to it is helping at all, sweetheart." "I can't help right now, so I'll probably make it worse. I want to be close to it, still." He places a kiss on the bulge in my pants. He pushes my legs apart slightly and bites my inner thigh. "Oh dear." He looks at me, we make eye contact and he moves his head to my crotch. He places a kiss on it, then trails his finger around it. He kisses it again. I couldn't really see what he was doing, but I believe he was licking my covered erection. It felt weird, it was an unknown feeling, but it was good. "Sweetheart, we shouldn't." "Alright." He moves his face away and moves back up, his hand rubbing my erection. "Was that on purpose? If it was, you better keep your fucking hand there and take responsibility." He blushes. "I won't turn away such an opportunity." "Actually... scratch that." I flip us and pull the waistband of his underpants.

"(Y/N)." "What is it?" "Is this okay?" "If you enjoy it then it's perfectly fine. If you want, it'll be our little secret. If you wish to wait, then we wait." He smiles and we kiss. His cheeks are flushed and I pull his underpants lower yet not completely off. I move my lips closer to his rosy nipples yet do not touch them. "You look so cute, all flustered." I completely take off his underpants. He looks at me lustful and expectant. "I'm not gonna touch you.... Not until I have your written consent." He blinks, processing what I just said. He then turns to the nightstand and opens a drawer. He pulls out a pen and a paper. He writes something and throws some paper sheets at me then looks at me expectantly. "Wait, I must read this." I grab one of the sheets. "I, Neuvillette, consent for (Y/N) to touch me." I grab another sheet. "Order from the court: touch me. In small letters: in a sexual context." I smirk. "Well, I can't refuse to an order from the court." I look down to his shaft and blush. I take it in my hand and move it up and down. "Is that alright?" "Yes." I lick his nipple and look up to him to see his reaction. His eyes are slightly closed and he's red. I take his nipple in my mouth and flick it with my tongue. A moan leaves his lips. I smile and continue rubbing his member. "I take it that I'm not too bad." He shakes his head.

After a bit, his breathing gets heavy, I smile and kiss him. I feel him twitching in my hand. "Dear, I feel strange." "Don't worry, sweetheart, it'll pass soon." He moans my name and pants, I rub him faster and he lets out a loud moan. "Dear, I think I just..." I smile and peck his lips. "You're so cute, sweetheart. Your sweet voice moaning my name is so provocative." He looks down. "Oh, I'm so sorry, dear." "What for?" "There's... semen on your torso." I look down and see the whitish fluid on my skin. "Wow... We should do this more often when we marry." He nods and kisses my cheek. "Let's clean up and sleep, hm?"

Memories Can't Be Frozen (Neuvillette x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now