The king is dead!!

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"THE OLD HAG IS FINALLY DEAD OH MY GODS" Felix screamed in happiness, jumping around the large room him and his dragon had been sharing for the past years.
Crystal let out a roar of joy that made the entirety of the building shake.
Her owner let out a laugh, nothing could stop the warm feeling spreading in him.

That morning, an eagle with a blue ribbon around its neck had reached Felix and Crystal's outpost above the clouds with amazing news. A letter from Chan.

Dear Felix,
you'd never guess the news I have for you. The old king has finally left us to go annoy the gods! We've received the new this morning during the prince's speech. And guess what? Winds of change are coming. Apparently the prince is favorable towards dragons and is willing to lift the ban his father placed: dragon riders will be allowed again in New World's Kingdom! These insane news have taken the kingdom by storm, there's talks of flocks of dragons flying towards us. I haven't felt this hopeful since we were kids, Felix. I really think this is it. I've met the prince before, he seems reasonable and kind. I truly, really think you can come back. I don't want to push you, but I've missed you a lot during these years and seeing you again, safe and in Crystal's company is one of the things I want more in the world. Guess what I'm saying is, if you ever decide to visit, my doors are always open for you,
Chan "

"This is amazing Crystal, we can finally go back to our hometown safely!"
The dragon lifted Felix on it's head taking flight and bringing them on a celebration round around their outpost.
After years of volountary exile, the two felt like a new era of their life was starting, an era of freedom.

They instantly started packing: Crystal wore leather bags around her as Felix filled them with clothes, erbs, books and all the things they felt they needed when going back home. They said goodbye to the icy rooms that had welcomed them when they were astray, said bye to the gorgeous vegetable garden that had fed them, to the loom Felix had used to produce fabric. During all those years they had survived off of the money that fabric was worth, sending it back to Chan who would sell it in exchange for bread, milk, eggs and meat for Crystal. Felix was eternally greatful for his childhood friend and so ready to thank him in person. When tracing with his fingers the bark of the fruit trees in their garden, Felix felt sad that noone would be there to tend to them anymore and he vowed to come back sometime, maybe for the holidays.

"Are we ready?"

"I sure am"
Crystal's voice sounded clear in Felix's head, travelling through their magical bond.

"Perfect. Time to go back home.

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