The prince's quarters

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"My prince! What happened to you!? Who is this dragon rider!?"

The guards in front of the palace gate instantly panicked when they saw the pathetic scene in front of them: the prince and a random elf, barely holding eachother on their feet, helped by a giant cream colored dragon.

"For the gods' sake" huffed Crystal who had patiently waited for the two outside the building as they fought and talked.
She had already spent the entirety of the walk there scolding Felix about his recklessness but she had still helped them, guiding them through the emptier parts of town, where she hoped noone would notice them.

Hyunjin just waved them away:
"I'm fine. This elf is my guest. Call my butler and my advisor, I need them in my quarters as fast as possible"

The guards stared at the scene, confused beyond comprehension, as if frozen in place:
"Well!? Your prince has spoken, move"
Hyunjin exclaimed, authority emanating from his voice despite everything.

Only when they ran off he allowed himself to cough and lean heavily on Crystal who looked at him with her worried serpent eyes.

"Humans..." she said in Lix's mind:
"It's so easy to break them..."

Felix looked at Hyunjin: they were equally hurt but as an elf, he was healing faster.

"Why didn't he call for a doctor...? Is he insane?" he wondered.

Soon they arrived in the prince's quarters. As he walked through the immaculate rooms Felix felt like he was intruding in Hyunjin's personal space, like he was reading his secret diary.
The soon to be king seemed to like floral decorations and paintings. A lot of paintings. But the more Felix looked at them, the more he saw they had a common style, a style that resembled the one in which his wanted poster had been drawn.

"Did Hyunjin paint these himself!?"

Felix held out a hand, in awe of the minute details on a still life, then he remembered that he was there to discuss politics and not to learn more about the prince.
Feeling a little embarassed, he followed him into a room.
Crystal was already peeking from the window, ready to partecipate.

Hyunjin fell on a decorated chair with a grunt of pain, just as a panicked figure ran into the room:

"My prince?" the human asked, his expression of pure distress.

"Seungmin... just who I wanted to see" he smiled:
"This elf right here, well he has interesting information to share and I'd like you to listen"

"My prince?" another figure, a vividly familiar one appeared from the door just as he finished:

"Ah, yes, Minho. Please bring us hot tea and biscuits. Well, since you're at it call Lia too, I could use her erbal compresses right now"

Felix's entire body relaxed at that:
"Thank the gods..."
Then, he caught himself.

"Wait, why was I so tense to begin with!?"

Confused by his own feelings, Felix barely noticed that all eyes were fixated on him:

"Well my esteemed guest, it's time to explain"

Blue like ice, red like fire- HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now