From a far

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He was in Canada, we were home watching the race. It was on for a while until Elliot tapped my shoulder and told me to take a look at Lando, he was tearing up a bit.

I pick the control up and turn the television off, "let's watch something else" he grabs the control from me and turns it back to the correct channel. The race. " it's okay Stella" he put his hand over my hand and I smiled at him.

When the race was done I went for a walk with Jules, obviously, he was in the stroller. The weather was nice I kept on walking, I sat on a bench and put the stroller closer to me. "Hello Jules," I say and start tickling him, I then call my brother
Call with Max
Stella: Hey Max, how was the free session?
Max: thank you for asking Stella. It was okay, how's Jules doing?
Stella: wow so I get a baby in my life and you forget about me. No yeah, I'm fine max, anyway, Jules is good. He's in front of me, we're sitting on the bench by my house.
Max: Aww how cute. Charles immediately left when everything was over, we invited him to a dinner but he said he was on his way to the hotel and FaceTime you. He seemed a bit sad. Like very sad. I think he wanted to stay with you because he was trying to tell me what he felt, then stopped midway
Stella: I know it's probably hurting him, I feel so bad. But I hope he starts feeling better, he cried when he said bye to Jules and me.
Max: because he loves you both
Stella: okay Maxie I'll let you go and give the biggest kiss to Penelope for me.
I saw Lando running on the other street but he didn't walk up to me. I didn't mind because I will now be seeing him every day. That's until 15 minutes later, he magically showed up next to me and sat down, he looked down at Jules. " hello Jules, you know you'll be the best racer when you grow up. All your mommy and daddy friends will teach you. Especially Uncle Max" I smiled at what he said because not until now did I notice they wanted Jules to race. He looks over at me, "Wait you do want him to race right, because if not I totally understand" I did

a part of me didn't want to pressure Jules, but what little boy wouldn't love racing? " I do, but I want to see him excited to race not because Charles or Max want him to, but because he wants to. If he doesn't that will probably break my heart, but thinking about him getting hurt would hurt so much worse. I used to get paranoid when we were in high- school with Max. When he would race, it would absolutely terrify me to wonder if you both were okay" he didn't say anything back, I did notice him tickling Jules though.

I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but I decided to let him be the first one to speak up. "We will teach tiny Jules to be the best driver, but also the safest for his mommy. His mother worries a lot. About everyone honestly, your mommy has such a good heart juju. Anyway, you'll have almost all the grid there for you and cheering for you juju. Whenever you're ready, " I knew he was right. They were all amazing with children so I knew I could trust them with Jules. Well all be beside Lance. he's a bit clumsy sometimes. " we should go back" he nodded and he took Jules, "lando you really shouldn't be doing that you barley regained strength to get out of the hospital bed" he looked over at me and rolled his eyes, why is this man so sassy. " Stella, I'll be okay plus it's not like Jules is heavy to push around. I let him stroll Jules around and it was nice watching him talk to him, he's talking to Jules about Max and Char.

I was laying on the couch with Jules in the stroller next to me, "come baby let's go put you to sleep so mommy can go out and do something" I quickly got up and saw Abby take him, "what are you doing, I'll put him to sleep it's okay Abby" she looks over at Elliot, "we'll take care of him, go out. You might've just had him but even you need a break since being pregnant for 9 months. Go out" Abby grabbed Jules from me and I just stood there and whispered to myself, "What? With who" I saw Lando walking down the stairs and he shot up a quick smile at me, "With me; go get ready stell" I was so confused about what they all planned but I trusted them, so I needed to shower first things first because I finally felt like a mom. Got everything ready before coming out. I had no idea what was about to happen but I knew I was going to make the most of it since I'll finally have a break.

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