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"yes" I say speechless
My heart dropped when I heard those words.
He smiles at me and gets up from his knee, "are you sure Stella" I think he noticed how shocked I was. "I'm more than sure lando" I say crying and embracing him into a hug.
       "High school me is so proud of us" I say to him while I'm crying on his shoulder. He lets go of me noticing I was crying, he grabbed my face and kissed me. "You deserved this the minute we met all over again, I just failed to be the person you wanted me to be because of jealousy and
Immaturity" he says clasping our heads together.
    I look to my right and everyone starts walking out. Everyone was there. All my friends, the kids, my mom, my family. I was enjoying it when I see my dad walk out, "hi honey" my smile fades, "dad" I question. I couldn't help but be confused in what he was doing here.
     "Can I talk to you; a walk" he points at the door. I look at everyone and nod, "sounds good" I hug my mom and walk outside the house with my dad. We start walking down the street and he breaks the silence, "I missed your wedding. I've came out as careless, a bad father, and one with anger issues. But I promise you I never meant to harm you as a child, I never tried hurting your feelings on purpose and if I did I apologize. I apologized to max and his family, now your the one left. The one I made feel left out. Your sister barley spent anytime with me but I can't blame her, you. You hated me after high school but it's my fault. I did u speakable things that I'm ashamed of my darling. Please forgive me Stella, I know I missed your first wedding but I also didn't agree with you marrying Charles" I roll my eyes and sigh, "dad you were doing good" he laughs and smiles at me, "I'm sorry, you guys were good as friends. Not lovers. That's always been you and lando, even when he would sneak you out of school to meet max" my heads shoots up, "how do you know about that" he smirks and laughs, "honey, the school would call me" I sigh and let a laugh out, "why didn't ever tell me anything" he shrugs and stares at the ground, "I didn't want to forbid from seeing your brother, I couldn't. He was the one person you could confide in, you loved your brother with all of you. He was your best friend. I couldn't stop you two even if I wanted to" I smile at the gesture, my dad was a cruel man. More so to max, but I think he's actually sorry. He's never apologized to anyone, especially to his kids. I hug him and he hugs me back, "I like this" he whispers.
    "You have two grand kids" he smiles and looks at me, "be a better parent than I ever was. I know max is, he's doing amazing with Penelope. And you are doing amazing with yours, they're beautiful. And Blair, oh she's gorgeous. Jules, he's a beautiful boy and a talker" I laugh and hugs me. We walk in with our arms intertwined.
   My mom walks up to us, "I see you forgave him" I smile and nod at her, "we did too" max and Victoria walk up to my mom and hug her. We were all looking at each other, this is the first time we've all been happy. All in one place.
   "Go to your fiancé honey" my dad says, I walk outside to everyone cheering. I run to kika, "you made it babe" she says, I nod. Charlotte walks up to me and gives me a hug, "congratulations Stella" I smile and hug her back. I look at Charles and he was staring at the ground, he ended up looking up and we exchanged looks. I smile at him, he smiled softly but not as much. I brushed it off and he walked away towards Pierre and lando.
     "There's so many photos of you and lando", says charlotte. I nod and walk into the house with them to take a look at them, "yea, he's always loved taking photos. It's started freshman year of high school" kika grabs one and pulls it, she shows it to us. "This makes me want to cry" it was a picture of lando carrying me over a puddle so I wouldn't get wet. He was setting on the puddle, just for me. I laugh, "I remember that day, it was raining and I was so against getting wet. He carried me bridal style and insisted that he'd rather get wet than me" I say looking at the photo and over at lando, a tear rolls down my eye. Susie walk up to us, "this is all so beautiful my love congratulations" Toto walks up behind her and puts his hands in his pocket, "yea congratulations, you two belong with each other. You always did" my mom over hears and laugh, "there's this picture of Stella, standing in front of the Effie's tower and in the back you can see a small boy smiling and running away from his mom" my mom says laughing, Lando's mom walks into the conversation, "and that little boy was mine, it was lando running Stella's photo" they say laughing.
       Lando hears and gets offended, "if anything I made the photo better" my mom pulls it up and shows it to everyone. Isa gets closer and starts laughing, "you look dumb" lando sticks his tongue at her. He was laughing in photo as if he was happy to be running from his mom, she was in the picture running after him. And I, I was just smiling.
       "Cute baby... what happened" says Alex, I roll my eyes and Oscar starts laughing hysterically. I push him and he stops laughing, "I don't like you" both lilys laugh. Everyone knew that was a lie from Oscar. "We're you mad at lando when" Oscar puts his hand over checo's mouth, "okay I get it" he says, I hug him and he hugs me back.
   "Congratulations Stella, you deserve it" I smile and that was a decent interaction without fighting. "Yea congratulations Stella. You deserve a happy life" says Charles, he walks up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and lando was looking at him. Charlotte did not care because she looked at us and then kept on laughing with isa, kika was laughing and lando though.
  "Why are you laughing" says lando, kika stops and gives him a serious look, "Pierre said something funny" he nods. I let go and walk towards lando, I put my head on his shoulder, "oh don't be jealous now" he smirks and laughs.

   "Mama Jules is annoying" says Blair, he crosses his arms sighs loud. "B has toys" Charles laughs, "yes but that's b's ball" he looks at chalres and crosses his arms, "I want ball" Blair rolls her eyes and takes his hand, Penelope walks up to him and does the same. "Let's play with julie bean" says Penelope. He giggles, and runs with them, "you created best friends" says my dad. I was so proud that they got along, my three babies were the best of friends. "Kika your next" she laughs and doesn't say a word. "Keke" she looks at me, "what" I look at Pierre, "she didn't say no?" He laughs and tries to hide his face, they both pull me inside.
   Pierre puts his hand on his waist, "kika" he says, I guess he was too nervous to say it so he had kika talk, "oh p, I'm pregnant stell" I cover my mouth in shock. I scream, "AHHHHHHH" I hug them both and start crying. Then kika starts crying and she was the only one I was hugging now. Everyone runs in. And by everyone. I mean everyone, "what's going on?" Says Carmen. Heidi was looking at us crazy. I cover my mouth and look at kika, "nothing" kika wipes my eyes.
"I hate to do this, im sorry lando. We hate to do this today" he looks confused. "Oh don't be sorry, this made my day 10x better and I was already having a good day considering my high school sweetheart just proposed to me" lando laughs, "I'm pregnant" says kika, everyone gasp and cheers. They congratulate her and everyone decides to walk outside.
    "Wait...keke, NO SHOts" she gasp, "oh well SERGIO" he comes running up to me. Lando laughs, "alcoholics" we shrug and take a couple shots until we start feeling it. "te ves feliz" says checo, I smile. "Estoy, no podría pedir nada mejor." He smiles and we take another shot.
I walk to the front of the house to take a call, it was Elliot.
"Hey you" I say, "congratulations stell, you found the person you could be happy with forever" I laugh and wipe my tear, "I miss you elle" it was quiet.
"Do you now" I hear behind me. He was standing there with James, "woah, how did you do that, I'm so happy your here" I started crying and hugged Elliot. He hugs me and lando walks out, "ahh you got your present" I start laughing and point at lando, "you brought him here" he nods, "yes he did. I just came late because there were no flights that would get here before the asking" I smile and say hi to james, "he invited you" I say confused, "yes he did and your drink" I start laughing, "pshhh, I am not" I say to james, I look at lando. "He's you friend to, and he's a good guy" I nod, "I brought my girlfriend" I gasp, "she can hang out with us" I say, and start laughing. She walks up next to him and Introduces herself, "hi I'm mia" I shake her hand and smile at her, "I'm stella, stella verstappen" her eyes get wide.
"Engineer for Red Bull" I nod, "yea" I walk away from them and start talking to her.
I then remember I left my phone on top of Carlos car an hour later so run outside.

Charkes was sitting on his car, "hey what are you doing?" I say, he laughs because I couldn't walk straight to save my life. "Enjoying the night" I knew something was wrong, "I'm sorry if this is all uncomfortable for you chalres" he nods, "you know lando asked me if I was okay with him asking you to marry him, I said yes because he makes you happy. But it hurts to know that not only you seem happier but everyone seems happier for you" I hug him, "you will always still be my best friend, come on" he smiles and I drag him inside with everyone else. "Shot for him" I say to checo.

I walk up to lando and give him a kiss, "I love you" he smiles and grabs my face, "and I love you more Stella"

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