«5» an uncharted territory

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Time seemed to come to a halt, as Yaseerah slowly turned to face him, praying that it wasn't who she thought it was.

She forced air into her lungs when her eyes met his, absolutely unprepared for the sight that greeted her.

There he was, standing before her, bathed in the soft glow of the hotel's exterior lights, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that made her feel oddly subconscious, questioning her own composure.

Her makeup was waterproof, so she knew there was no way it'd be running down her cheeks or ruined. But still, the way he was studying her, it made her wonder if something was out of place.

It had only been a handful of days since she met him but somehow clad in casual attire that included well-fitted jeans and a simple, crisp white shirt, he looked every bit as striking as she remembered.

She could feel the weight of his presence, the intensity of his scrutiny pressing down on her, his eyes holding a warmth in them that seemed to draw her into his orbit.

It was as though he could see right through her, as if he knew the chaos of emotions that churned within her, which was absolutely ridiculous because she knew that he wasn't a mind-reader.

“You seem upset, are you okay?”

Upset? Ha! Upset didn't cover what she was feeling.

Yaseerah swallowed hard, unable to trust herself to speak. Her chest tightened with a mix of emotions, the turmoil inside her too great, and self-preservation kept her lips sealed. She wanted to open up, but years of conditioning had taught her to hide her feelings.

He looked back towards the entrance as if he was searching for someone or something. Perhaps he thought she was with someone else?

When he turned back to face her, his gaze was imploring, yet his frown still hadn't disappeared.

“Did something happen?”

Yeah, a lot had happened, but she wasn't about to have a heart-to-heart with him.

“Nothing I can't handle,” she stated, her voice firm as she turned, dismissing his concern and him altogether, though her heart still leapt in her throat.

“Are you sure?” His disbelief was clear in his tone, along with a hint of something she couldn't place. Was it pity?

Did he pity her?

Suddenly annoyed and a bit enraged by the pity she surmised in his tone, Yaseerah paused on her heels, turning around once again to stare him down.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to let me drive you home.”


She couldn't shake the feeling that this meeting was more than just a coincidence, as she glanced at him, trying to decipher his true intentions, but there was something in the way he looked at her that touched a vulnerable part of her heart, making her feel alive and human.

“Because it's getting late?” he arched his brow, staring her down like she was doing him.

“Thank you for stating the obvious but I am quite capable of finding my own way home.”

She fought to maintain a façade of indifference despite feeling the undeniable attraction that simmered beneath the surface between them. His concern was both infuriating and strangely comforting, yet her resolve was firm.

“I don't doubt that.” He stepped closer, and Yaseerah took a step backwards on instinct. “But, I won't feel right letting you leave on your own.

At least let me walk you then, if you won't let me drive you. It's not safe to be out alone at night.”

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