«33» a new dawn

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Abdul-Aziz’s face was a mask of pain, his hand instinctively moving to his injured shoulder, a grimace flickering across his face before he regained his composure, hiding the pain beneath a thick veneer of rage, as his eyes locked onto his son-in-law with a fury that threatened to consume everything on its path.

“Get out,” Abdul-Aziz growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Fou’ad didn’t budge, neither did he spare him a glance, as he helped Yaseerah to her feet, standing between her and her father, his body tense with the weight of the confrontation.

He tightened his grip on Yaseerah’s hand infinitesimally, his stance unyielding, as he used the sleeve of his thobe to wipe away the blood on her forehead.

“We’re leaving,” he said firmly, his voice betraying none of the fear and anger he felt inside.

Abdul-Aziz took a menacing step forward, ignoring his shoulder which protested the movement, his uninjured hand clenching into a tight fist by his side.

“You dare to disrespect me, in my own house?” he spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

Yaseerah felt a surge of panic rising in her chest as she stared at her father, knowing that he was capable of anything when he was angry.

The last thing she wanted was for Fou’ad to get hurt because of her, especially now that she was sure he had just topped the list of her father’s enemies.

She placed a hand on his arm, trying to pull him away. “Come on, let’s go,” she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s not worth it.”

But Fou’ad stood his ground, turning to face his father-in-law with a hard gaze.

“We’re not leaving until you apologize to Yaseerah,” he stated firmly, earning a dry chortle from Abdul-Aziz as he took a menacing step forward, raising his hand as if to strike Fou’ad.

But before he could move any further, a voice cut through the tension.

“That’s enough Abdul!”

Everyone turned to Lubna at once, each with a varying expression on their faces–Yaseerah shocked, and suspicious, Fou’ad curious, and Abdul-Aziz thunderous.

"Enough!" Her voice rang out again, her posture rigid with fear and defiance as she walked over to Yaseerah and Fou’ad, placing a hand on Yaseerah’s shoulder.

“I won’t let you hurt her anymore,” she said, her voice firm.

Abdul-Aziz’s face once again contorted with rage, as he stepped closer to his wife, his eyes narrowing into tiny slits as he spoke through gritted teeth.

“You dare to speak to me like this, woman? Have you forgotten your place so easily?”

Lubna’s lips quivered under the intensity of his vitriol, but she stood her ground, her hand still resting gently on Yaseerah’s tensed shoulder.

“I haven’t forgotten anything, Abdul,” she uttered, her voice steady despite the tremors in her heart, as she lifted her chin defiantly, staring straight into his eyes. “I’m simply tired of standing on the sidelines and watching you torment her. She deserves better. We all do.”

Abdul-Aziz’s hand shot out, grabbing her wrist with a vice-like grip, making her wince in pain, yet her gaze remained unflinching.

“You will not speak another word,” he hissed, his face mere inches from hers. “You will obey me, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Fou’ad stepped forward, his jaw clenched with anger, as he reached out to intervene, but Yaseerah grabbed his arm, shaking her head imperceptibly.

She knew her father’s temper all too well, and she didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt because of her family’s dysfunction.

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